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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Radnoti X Countdown... 5 days to go (5th October 2020)

At first I planned to write ONE BOOK... Gubacsi Dulu. The end would be open, much like so many sci-fi books, films and TV series. So, although one reviewer mentioned that Gubacsi ends as though another book follows, that wasn't my initial plan. One shot deal. Done. Then the flea got my ear. A would-be publisher (who finally didn't) asked if it was the first book in a series... and I said...."Yes???"..."So where are the other books?"... oh... 

So that's how Humanity H2O series came into being. Radnoti X (ten) is finished and waiting to be published, and the third book, Farkas Alpha is already taking shape. I was worried how my No.1 Beta reader (Miss Reif) would take the second book, but she loved it, as did Jasper T Scott, so as far as I'm concerned, it's a success already. It just needs to go public for you and others to read. Looking forward to the whole range of reviews on this one...

5 days to go...

Monday, September 28, 2020

Science Fiction influences - One great comedy sci-fi series!

While working on Farkas Alpha, I was able to add a small reference to one of my all-time favourite sci-fi TV series. The first four or five series were fantastic and funny, while afterwards, it kind of got 'old hat' as the actors became what I feel complacent and content in their roles. I still watched ALL the series, even tried to watch the American attempt, but unfortunately, the series is quite 'British' in humour.

Have you guessed it yet? Yes, it's Red Dwarf! 


When the first series came out, it was a low-budget BBC2 series, and when it first came out, the chances of it becoming big were slim, but then it began to shine! And more and more people watched, it became a cult TV show, and then... it lost its charm, I think, because of its success - money, fame... but hey! Those first series were excellent!

I've just watched 'Red Dwarf: The Promised Land'. It came out in April and because of COVID-19, it slipped my mind... it brought back some wonderful smeggy memories (though I needed to speed it up a bit).

Anyway, if you'd like to find out what reference (just a little one but aren't they all) I made in book three (Farkas Alpha) from Red Dwarf, pre-order now!


Or you could just get the whole series!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Radnoti X ready! Waiting for the 5th of October...

 Got the finishing touches to Radnoti X today, two forewords, one from the 'master' himself, Jasper T Scott, USA Today Bestselling Science Fiction author, and the other from Karina Reif herself (the real one).

Here's what they said...

Foreword from the Master

I’ve known Dani J. Caile for seven years now, pretty much since my writing career began. He’s been there since the beginning, helping me edit and proofread my own books. He’s consistently made improvements to my own work over the years, for which I am deeply grateful. Throughout that time, Dani has been writing his own books, perfecting them, and putting himself out there time and again.

Dani Caile is probably one of the most underappreciated writers I know. He deserves to have a much bigger audience than he does, but with the popularity of this latest series I think perhaps he’ll finally get there.

I’ve read several of Dani’s books now, including this latest series, and I can say without reservation that his writing has only gotten better over the years. This latest book is a superb example of that—mystery, twists, and deep compelling characters with flaws that make them feel like people you’ve known for ages. Radnoti X and the entire Humanity H2O series is truly excellent sci-fi, but it’s even better writing. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a typo in Dani’s work, and even harder-pressed to predict what’s coming next. I couldn’t stop turning the pages, and I’m quite sure that you won’t be able to either.

If you’ve gotten this far, read on! Because you’re in for a treat.

Jasper T. Scott

USA Today Bestselling Author


Foreword from the Muse

Yet again I was immortalised by Dani – in name only – and yet again he blew my mind! I read it all in one sitting as I couldn’t put it down. When I finished I wanted to find out what happens next so my first thought was go to where Dani lives and camp outside his house until he showed me the third book. The whole story is too good to be true, it really speaks to your soul, it’s like a small package of knowledge, a guide. I probably learnt more biology, physics and human nature than I ever did before! If anyone knows where I can get a brain implant let me know, I have an abstract algebra test coming up!

I want to thank Dani for the experience and for showing the world in its real form. I’ll have to make sure I put the whole trilogy on my bedside table when they all come out... the first one feels lonely there.

Karina Reif (the real one)

If those aren't enough to want you to read the second book in the Humanity H2O series, I don't know what is...

Chris the Story Reading Ape Blog Post + 30th rating for Gubacsi Dulu!

 Chris Graham, that fantastic Story Reading Ape, is blogging an article of mine about writer's block, namely...

 ‘Writers’ Block? Anthologies, Short Stories, Flash Fiction and other Shaggy Dog Tales’

Please go along, click the link and have a read!

News: Pre-Orders for Radnoti X are going well  (soon out, 5th October) and it has a great Foreword by none other than Jasper T Scott, USA Today Bestselling Author! There are also pre-orders for Farkas Alpha too! ...KENP for Gubacsi is slowing down, though :-( But 12,000+ pages were read!

Three more ratings for Gubacsi Dulu... one 2 star International rating (well, not everyone gets it)... and one 4 star review from the USA! AND one 5 star rating (no review)!!!! Excellent!

If you'd like to read my latest, like 1200+ people already have, and help keep those unfavourable ratings at bay, go here...

And if you'd like to join those lucky few who've pre-ordered the next two books in the Humanity H2O series, go here...

Friday, September 25, 2020

Twitter knows the TRUTH! Locked out... #BLM

 It took me a while to get back on Twitter after someone reported one of my tweets.

After the fiasco trial of the murderers of Breona Taylor in Louisville, where the police officers who murdered her while she was sleeping in her own bed in her own house were let off, I sent a Tweet to the Louisville Police Department...

Then Twitter locked my account for breaching Twitter Rules. When is TELLING THE TRUTH a bad thing? Apparently when it's against WHITE POLICE OFFICERS WHO MURDERED AN INNOCENT BLACK WOMAN? 
At first I thought Twitter was... well, you know, especially after all the hassle I had trying to unlock the account. They wouldn't send the access code, and when they finally sent one, it was the wrong one! And then they sent me as many as I'd asked for but unfortunately, my phone went crazy and the battery died in an hour... 
When I got home, I plugged in my phone to charge and instantly tried Twitter. I found this in my emails...

So, Twitter knows the truth, and they weren't the ones who locked me out. LMPD or someone who thinks 'Blue Lives Matter' probably reported me.

Police Reform is needed. 
Racism needs to stop. 
Black Lives Matter! #BLM

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Science Fiction influences...films

So many films have influenced me in the sci-fi genre, too many to be able to mention them all here. The classics need to be mentioned, and the future classics, too. Let's just run through the pictures...

This film above... who are we, what are we, is there someone else out there? So many questions...

Only a few more years to go...

What if life on other planets was not how we see life at all? And yet...

Or what if we really aren't alone...

Or maybe we are alone and technology will overpower us?

But maybe there is life... and we treat it like any other 'undesirable'?

Or does it all come down to just profit?

There are SOOO many good sci-fi movies out there, these are just a few that came to mind. 
My book series is out there, too, going strong!

Science Fiction influences... TV shows!

When I grew up, TV was the thing, the biggest influencer in my life and those around me. Of course, growing up in the UK, there was, in his many forms, ...

And then those great series...

And of course...

And Star Trek has moved on since that Original Series, and I've watched them all! I can't say I had a favourite because they were all good in their own way. The last series was great, too!

And something slightly different, but the same... Who can't like this one!