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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu 33rd rating, 5 star review! (and news of Radnoti X)

Received a fantastic 5 star review from 'Bikerchic' in the UK for Gubacsi Dulu! This is the kind of reader I love!

So, in total, still 3.8 out of 5, but it's there, a strong book which makes readers FEEL.

What else can I say? If you haven't already, go get the whole series...

Radnoti X Doing Well... #1 New Release AGAIN!

Yes, Radnoti X (Book 2 of my sci-fi Humanity H2O series) is doing quite well! Yet again it received #1 New Release orange banner - for the 2nd time, once when it was released on Pre-Order and now that it has been published!

Gubacsi Dulu also received its 32nd rating... a 1 star rating from the International part of Amazon... thank you whoever you are, you're a dumbass. Probably another trash sci-fi writer trying to make sure my books don't get noticed, or an 'old friend'. It's not nice to receive YET ANOTHER ONE but at least it shows that the book had a strong effect on the reader... one of hate rather than love but at least it made them FEEL SOMETHING. Which is what it's all about.

So, Radnoti X is doing well, and so is Farkas Alpha with its Pre-Orders...

If you'd like to look them over, here's the link to the series!

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Radnoti X #ebook out now! Pre-Orders going out!

Book 2 of my Humanity H2O series is now out on ebook! (Okay, maybe in an hour)... And hopefully in paperback too if I've timed it right - if not it'll be out soon). 

Thank you to all those who pre-ordered Radnoti X (and Farkas Alpha... I may publish it quicker than January). I hope you enjoy what you read, and are able to help out a struggling author such as myself with a rating and/or review. I try to entertain you, I really do. And maybe you can give a little feedback in return. Thank you!

Radnoti X : Book 2 (Humanity H2O)

Radnoti X Countdown - 1 day to go (5th October 2020)

I'm a little nervous, actually. After the (great) success of Gubacsi Dulu, book 1 (for myself it was!), I'm a little concerned about how book 2 will be taken. My Beta readers loved it but how about those people who didn't 'get' the first book? Will they be on hand yet again to deal the book their lethal blow of 1 star / 2 star reviews? Will their ignorance destroy the success, if any? Will my message get across to those who understand? These things a writer can only hope. Well over 1200 copies of Gubacsi Dulu were bought, read or downloaded for free, and as of this moment, it has 31 ratings with a 3.8 average... the most ratings (and the worst for one of my books) so far. Will Radnoti fair better? Or worse? Will readers see where the story is going?

Questions, questions, questions... and I'm still working on Book 3, up to about 15,000 words so far. 

Help me out! Come and rate / review Gubacsi Dulu! Come and Pre-Order Radnoti X and Farkas Alpha! I'll try to coordinate the paperback publishing with the ebook release (just in case).

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Radnoti X Countdown - 2 days to go (5th October 2020)

With only 2 days to go, I thought I'd share a few sentences from my Masters thesis, a paper partly based on Reader-Response Theory.

When dealing with fiction, what is the ‘correct’ interpretation?  

A literary work has two parts; the aesthetic and the artistic. The artistic pole is the author's text, and the aesthetic is the perception of the text accomplished by the reader. Therefore the literary work can neither be only the text or the subjectivity of the reader but actually an interpretation or reality situated between the two.

Reader-response literary criticism states that it is the reader who interprets what the language in any text means. It is the reader who has the right to decide which interpretation they would like to understand as the one which fits the text. 

[However,] it is clear that an interpretation of a literary work depends on many factors, not only of the text, with its words and emotions it creates from them within the reader, and also the social, educational and cultural schemata of both the reader and the writer...

Humanity H2O is written in this way, with space to allow the reader to access their own schemata and interpret the text as they see fit. Unfortunately for myself, that means some 1 star, 2 star and 3 star ratings due to that particular reader's interpretation through their schemata. But this is freedom! This is thought creativity. No spoon feeding!

...still working on Farkas Alpha, looking forward to Radnoti X being out there in the world!

Radnoti X Countdown - 3 days to go (5th October 2020)

 In this series I did something special with the names of the characters: I used names (or similar names) of students whom I would like to remember in days gone by. When I pick up the books in 10, 20, maybe even 30 years time, I can read them and remember fond memories of them all. It'll kind of be a time capsule, a catalyst to bring back the lessons we shared.

In Gubacsi Dulu, I used only one particular group and was able to name all the characters with theirs, except for the 'villain'. In Radnoti X (and Farkas Alpha) I used those in other groups.

Usually I try to follow Dickens with his nomenclature, naming characters to show the inner workings of those characters. I guess this is slightly the opposite, as these characters are NOTHING like the real students, BUT I always had them in mind to influence me... what would they do if they were a little more evil and were in this situation? Etc. Etc.

So, if you'd like to read on in the adventure, please come and pre-order!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Radnoti X Countdown - 4 days to go (5th October 2020)

So what is Radnoti X about?

Book one, Gubacsi Dulu was the awakening of our 'hero' Karina Reif from her pointless existence in the depths of corruption and devilry within humanity. Whether she grows into the reluctant hero troupe by the end is only the reader's choice. Did she accept the challenge? Does she even know what it is? Is she going to dive into a hole and hide, or fight the good fight...?

Well, Radnoti X takes us into the next stage of Karina's development, or at least, a clearer picture as to what she must do... or thereabouts... or not... maybe... I can't really say. What you expect, does it really ever happen? All you can be sure of is that there is a beginning, a middle and an end. Radnoti X is the middle.

Radnoti X - Pre-Order it now...