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Friday, October 23, 2020

Farkas Alpha in New Releases again (and Radnoti X of course!)

It's been a crazy few days...(I'll tell you the story later). Farkas Alpha has started to have a life of its own, and I'm still not finished yet. Pre-Orders are going well, and Farkas Alpha went back into the New Release list! (along with Radnoti X again)

Then Radnoti X went to No.1 New Release AGAIN, and both books were in the Top 10 for all their subcategories...

Finished the BIG FINALE of Farkas Alpha... now it's time for editing! One reader is already waiting for it! Read the first book in a few days, the second in less... so I'm trying everything!

Buy the books, pre-order the third, rate and review!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Radnoti X - No.1 New Release AGAIN! ...Gubacsi Dulu...36th rating... a 1 star?...again?

Radnoti X is YET AGAIN (I have lost count, really) the No.1 New Release in the subcategory 'Children's Steampunk Fiction'...(Farkas Alpha is No.4)

Great news for Book 2!!!

..but how about Book 1...?

Well, those 1 star and 2 star ratings are beginning to pile up, especially internationally. Got one this morning. 

I'm happy that the book made someone FEEL enough to place a rating (or review), but really, unless they read it through KENP, which they pay for anyway, no matter which book they read, they can get a refund! I'm definitely not doing this for the money! But reviews and ratings... they are ripping my heart out.

Why do people give them? Because they think the book is bad... how can a book be bad if all I see is intelligent people (who can't put a review on Amazon for some reason) reading my book, not being able to put it down without finishing and then getting Radnoti X because they have this 'feeling' inside of desiring to know how it continues? I know it isn't written badly, it has a hybrid 1st/3rd person POV which matches the character and story. So it must be what is INSIDE the story... they think something in the story is bad...

Humanity H2O is ANTI-racism, ANTI-drug-ignorant, ANTI-drink, ANTI-establishment, ANTI-white supremacist, ANTI-male dominance, ANTI-rape culture, ANTI-religious, ANTI-indoctrinated, ANTI-society-conditioned, ANTI-ignorant...and a few more, too!

If someone gives Gubacsi Dulu a 1 or 2 star review/rating (or even a 3), they are one, more or even all of these: racist, drug-ignorant (indoctrinated by their Government), pro-drink, pro-Government, white supremacist, anti-women (believe that men should be dominant), pro-rape culture, religious (doesn't matter which one, you all believe in an imaginary floating person in the sky (or in your heart/head, whichever)), indoctrinated (by propaganda and lies given to those in power-not taking about the Government, they're NOT in power..."Is that Democracy you're breathing? Really?"), conditioned by society (like father like son), and ignorant (don't believe in education or believe that education/qualifications is knowledge - it isn't, knowledge is forever-learning).

OR they hate me personally (understandable, have you met me?)...

OR they wish this type of book NOT to be available to show a view they disagree with...

OR they want to quash this type of book because they themselves write trash sci-fi and if their readers realise there are books with brains then maybe they'll lose readership.

Help quash the idiots. Humanity H2O series here... I've kept the books as cheap as possible!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Finishing off the First Draft of Farkas Alpha - earlier publishing date?

 It's a strange time, finishing the third book. Have I put everything into the series? Is there something else to show? What finale do readers expect and what would I like to give?

Just a few more parts to complete and then the process of rewriting and editing begins. So many has gone on since starting this third book. Characters have appeared, actions have happened, feelings have been felt and lived. 

So, if you'd like to find out what happens, Pre-order! It looks like there were be an earlier publishing date, say November?

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Radnoti X and Farkas Alpha ... New Releases?

 Yes, Radnoti X is back and forth in the New Releases for one of its subcategories, at No.2...No.3...No.2,etc., and Farkas Alpha is at No.5...6...7....etc. (the best it did was No.2, SOOOOOOO many times).

This week is going to be exciting... my friend Jasper T Scott (USA Today Bestselling Author) will give a little push to Radnoti X on the 22nd! It'll be interesting to see the results!

Still stuck at one 5 star rating, though... no reviews yet... or it that a


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu on Goodreads

 I occasionally update Goodreads, I put a few new quotes up, and lo and behold!... Gubacsi Dulu has some reviews and ratings there!

There are fewer than on Amazon, but there are still people reading it or have added it to their reading lists. I also had to add Radnoti X to my list of books.. in fact, there's something going on about my name... I think the J. is missing in my Amazon setup so I'll have to go back and do something about that.

Looking forward to seeing what people think about Radnoti X on Goodreads now. I'll look back in a few weeks to see...

But while we're waiting, how about pre-ordering Farkas Alpha? The writing is going well!

When do you think I should put a blurb in for Farkas Alpha?

Friday, October 16, 2020

The Theory of Three (Farkas Alpha)

 Many years ago when learning Music Theory (by myself - school is NOT education, education is life) from a book which was so over my head it was unbelievable (I'll find it and read it now), in the first 10 pages there was a sentence which said something like 'the musical note can only move in three ways, up, down or the same, its interval of sound can only move in three ways, longer, shorter or the same, the composition can only move in three ways, more, less or the same'. This blew my brain. I think this was one of many 'eureka' moments. 

I now call it 'The Theory of Three' (copyrighted if I possibly can). There was a student crying the other day, and later on, I mentioned there are three main ways to feel, happy, sad or nothing at all. These last few weeks while writing Farkas Alpha have been difficult (Easy, difficult, same ol' same ol'), and feelings are up, down or I don't feel at all. (The Theory of Three) Let that be my theory! Dani J Caile Theory.

One of the characters in Farkas Alpha gives it up...

"At least you’re still alive. The Theory of Three: Up, down, or the same. Happy, sad or indifferent. In this case, pleasure, pain or nothing at all: death."

Come and Pre-Order the finale of my Humanity H2O series! Make a dream come true!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Radnoti X and Farkas Alpha Amazon email recommendation!

I just received an email from Amazon... to my own personal email... Out of the 5 recommended books, Radnoti X was the first and Farkas Alpha was the fourth!

So they're in the recommended books! Excellent! Maybe Farkas Alpha can get off that No.2 New Release slot and get No.1 just like Gubacsi and Radnoti! :-)

Still working on Farkas Alpha... this is turning out to be some finale! I'm enjoying writing it so much...

Come and help Farkas Alpha get the top slot!