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Friday, October 30, 2020

Extended Distribution Sale of Gubacsi Dulu (Book1: Humanity H2O)

Do you know what that means? Extended Distribution Sale? It means a bookstore or library (in the USA) bought a paperback, one Gubacsi Dulu paperback for their store/library! This is A FIRST for me. Okay, bookstores and libraries are FULL of books, but those are from publishing houses and large book distributors who have the monopoly on the market! Somewhere, one of these places bought my book to put on their shelf for customers to see! (Or a customer requested it, either way, it's done!) I have got up to this point! I repeat, this is a first, a biggie!

Now, please, recommend to all you know who read books! Humanity H2O!

(Farkas Alpha is going through the Beta reading stage, and doing well!)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

'The Rage of Atlantis' #FREE for a few days! ...and Typos, typos, typos...

Yes, once again, I'm GIVING AWAY 'The Rage of Atlantis', my pre-history sci-fi winner, where the hero is a female dolphin and the villains are politicians! It's a fantastic literary ride!

Come and download it for FREE and be entertained! There's even Satan on the toilet (No.2s)!

And yesterday was 'The Day of the Typos'... found some in Radnoti X, found some in Farkas Alpha...

It's difficult to write, edit and proofread (and make covers) on thin air, as I have no budget, it's a hobby, but IT'S FUN!

Come and support a struggling, self-published author :-)

Farkas Alpha going to Beta readers...

Yep, it's time. Farkas Alpha is done and it's going to my Beta readers :-)

So, it looks like I can bring up the Publishing Date by maybe even a few months! (at least 1 and a half) :-)

Come and pre-order! You won't be disappointed!

...that is all... :-)

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Radnoti X: 3rd rating...a 3 star? Curious...

Radnoti X got its 3rd rating, about ten seconds after I posted the 5 star review here... a 3 star no review internationally. 

A rating with no review isn't so good for myself, yeah a good rating brings up the average but it doesn't give me any real feedback like a message or review. It's an anonymous hit on my books, especially the bad ratings, including a 3. As I've said before, to hate my Humanity H2O series is also to be living in denial that our society must change from being racist, addictive, white supremacist, male dominant/anti-women, and profit-oriented. Our society is completely screwed, we are living under the wrong code. We need... anyway, enough rant. Please rate Radnoti X honestly, and if you really thought my writing was bad, then, okay, that's your opinion, but at least say why it was bad. I remember I once lost a writing competition because my spelling was in British English (therefore wrong) and not American.

And either something has happened to Amazon's KDP site, or has the bubble burst???

Please, come, read, recommend!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Radnoti X - 5 star review! (2 ratings, 5.0 average)

Yes! Radnoti X got its first review, AND it's a 5 star! And sooooo good. This person, whoever they are, is on my wavelength. Thank you, whoever you are!

Book 1, Gubacsi Dulu is still going strong(ish), Radnoti X (Book 2) is still ON, sales and KENP (and not a review :-)) ANd Book 3, Farkas Alpha, is halfway through the edit!

Come, read, review, recommend!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Farkas Alpha Blurb on Amazon

Yes, I've put in the Amazon blurb for Farkas Alpha. Now you can see what to expect from the book, though I think those who have read the first two know this already.

2358 AD. Narrowly escaping the clutches of those at Radnoti X, Police Officer Karina Reif travels deep into unknown space to find a top AxiCorp research station to help create the vaccine for the virus which is annihilating all of humanity. Will she be able to get the vaccine to the people or will those in power have their way?

A claustrophobic, subtly humorous, psychotic future of people who no longer know why.

On my Author site the other night, all three books were again together as my bestsellers at the moment, which is nice to see - yeah, the numbers aren't great but I'm a self-publisher, with no financial backing, no marketing team to throw my book around the bookstores and magazines of the world. I read the first page of a book with 32,000 reviews and a 4.8 rating yesterday, a Bestseller, and it was SHIT. 
Radnoti X is slowly coming along in KENP, though not in ratings/reviews... or as I've said before, maybe it's a blessing!

So, come along, recommend these books! Join in the success! Become a part of it! Understand what we are and where we are going!

..editing... putting on my helmet again...

Friday, October 23, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu - 39 ratings! Two 5 stars and one 3... :-)

 These last few days...

Gubacsi Dulu just received 3 ratings, two 5 star ratings (and one 3 if I can work it out correctly). One 5 star rating includes a review from a loyal reader of my books... thank you all! And thank you Frank Clark!

So Gubacsi Dulu is holding at a 3.8 average...

Which is better than 3.7, though a 4.0 would be nice...:-)

I had a chat with an enthusiastic reader about DNA and apples (in Radnoti X). It was energising to see how much the book gets someone to think! I love people who think!

Come and think! It's good for you! Recommend the books to people who think! No dummys, please (I prefer 3 stars and up in ratings).