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Friday, November 13, 2020

Farkas Alpha - 3 Days to Go! + Gubacsi Dulu 42nd rating

 Three days to go until the third part of Humanity H2O, Farkas Alpha, is published. There are quite a few people waiting for this! I'll also have some help promoting the launch, so it'll be interesting to see the results. Publication date: 16th November 2020.

As for the 42nd rating of Gubacsi Dulu, the least said, the better. Another anonymous guerilla hit from someone who downloaded it for free a month ago or someone who has the right to add ratings but never read the book (spent 50 dollars or more on Amazon). That's yet another reason why I wrote it, to show people who can appreciate the subtlety at work in the book — style, humour, POV, literary/popular references — that there is still a lot of ignorance in the world, a lot of hate, whichever, hate for either myself, or for any of the themes and topics the series deals with. or just that the book exists. It is a pity. I must try to accept that fact.

I actually had a look at some of the trash sci-fi titles with about the same number of ratings on Amazon as Gubacsi Dulu, and there seems to be a bias against me. In fact, most of these trash sci-fi books are poorly written, and the storyline drags and stretches along, but they still don't get any 1 star reviews or ratings... Conspiracy Theory! Is there a Trash Sci-fi Mafia? Is there a group of Trash Sci-fi writers who go around, destroying any books which they find will weaken their future markets? Mmmm... I think I'm getting that feeling...

Help in the fight. As I say in the books, "May Humanity find a way."

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Farkas Alpha - 4 days to go!

 Only 4 more days! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and then... Farkas Alpha! It's hanging at 3rd place in New Releases in the subcategory.

Someone saw the picture of myself writing certain battle scenes in Farkas Alpha and asked why. Basically an army helmet and glasses. Protection was needed, or at least a change of outfit to write. Some writers did that, dressed up to 'feel' the scenes better... actually, not me, I just did it because I liked the helmet.

Anyway, it's still out there, Humanity H2O, and Farkas Alpha will be there too!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Farkas Alpha - 5 days to go! + Gubacsi Dulu 40th +41st ratings!

Only five more days until the launch! KENP is still going (slowly but surely), though it's been quite quiet... except for the 40th rating and review of Gubacsi Dulu... a 2 star??!?.. no, I'm NOT putting it here. Yet again someone who did not like the book. What is wrong with these people? Why do they pick up the book, struggle through something they don't understand/like and then decide to write a review which will destroy both the book and the author? Surface reader? I wouldn't mind if the reviewer 'felt' something, but they didn't, they found nothing of value in the book. THAT is the insult. But hey, the book doesn't change, I don't change,,, and neither do they. Ignorance is a disease. 

And as I write... someone placed a 41st rating on Gubacsi Dulu... from what I can work out, it was a 4! I'll take that one! Someone who read it, saw its flaws but accepted that it was good.

And do you know what? If you actually buy my books, you can review and rate them too!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Farkas Alpha - 6 days to go!

 With 6 days to go, where is Farkas Alpha? Well, it has some pre-orders, which is nice, and in that certain subcategory on Amazon (Children's Steampunk), it is at #4.

Both Gubacsi Dulu (twice, I think) and Radnoti X (6 or 7 times) got #1 New Release in this subcategory... I just hope that Farkas Alpha can also hold this honour for at least a few hours, maybe a day or two!

I haven't had any reviews or ratings for a while now, which is worrying (though no news is good news?), though KENP and sales are still ongoing (touch wood!).

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Farkas Alpha - 7 Days to go!

Amazon are right on time with my email recommendations! 7 days to go and they send me this...

Just for me. The author of the book. I thought they knew who I was... anyway, it's nice they're thinking of me. I wonder how many more people got Farkas Alpha in their emails?

I digress... I really enjoyed writing this sci-fi series, I was able to do so many things with these that I hadn't done before... the concept of each book in terms of environment and character space, the colours and concept of the covers, the layers of character development (wow, there's just too much that I can put into words... I guess that's why I wrote them in the way I did). 

Anyway, after receiving this email, I could go and buy my own book... but it would be better if you did! Come and get Farkas Alpha!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Farkas Alpha - 8 days to go!

I awoke to some movement on sales and KENP of Gubasci Dulu and Radnoti X this morning, which of course is excellent! Every reader is important, I write not just for the pleasure of writing but also for people to read it and enjoy (if they can, if they can't, then experience the pain of literature)!

I just hope this kind of 'movement' happens to the third book, as well! My Beta readers said it was excellent, so I'm sure those who read it will like it! Come and feel the 'Dani J. Caile' experience!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Farkas Alpha - 9 Days to Go!

Only 9 days to go.... I had the question, why 'Farkas Alpha'? Well, 'farkas' in Hungarian means 'wolf', so it's connected to the 'alpha male' in wolves, although the scientist who created that term reversed his research 10 years later... but it stuck and is still used today. Thinking about it, the term does actually still work because we are in a prison of sorts, our own prison...(the point of the book, perhaps? Maybe?)

Anyway, only 9 days to go... here's the link to the series! Would love more sales, reviews, ratings and pre-orders! I can only be more well-known if more people know me... sounds dumb but it's true!