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Thursday, November 19, 2020

20,000+ KENP pages read! (Humanity H2O series)

 And yet another new record! Over 20,000 KENP (pages) have been read so far from the Humanity H2O series! Amazon allows its subscribers to read whichever book they wish and how ever many pages they wish to. Gubacsi Dulu has the majority of pages read, but Radnoti X and Farkas Alpha have already started to rack up the numbers.

Humanity H2O! Recommend it to all your friends!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Farkas Alpha hits #1 New Release! (in 2 subcategories!)

 Yes! Farkas Alpha got a #1 New Release orange banner! In a different and more difficult subcategory!

...then lost it, but then gained the #1 New Release in the Children's Steampunk sub category!

And this morning, it's back to #1 New Release in BOTH.

Farkas Alpha is also #4 in Best Sellers in Children's Steampunk... this is all down to you readers! Thank you! 

Can you see... 4th place and no reviews... can you see the GIANTS it's up there with? Look at those reviews... something I can only dream of. Gubacsi Dulu might one day pass 50 but...anyway...

Jasper's promo seemed to have worked a treat! This is great! Now all 3 have been #1 New Releases, they all got that nice little orange banner!

Humanity H2O... pass it on!

New Anthology Kickstarter from Jason Brick!

Not only do I write, I also proofread and edit. And it's time to help out with another anthology of stories - and get my short story "Reflections on a Comfortable Life" published!

This is the fourth anthology I'm working on with Jason Brick, the true honcho of the whole project. I just get to do the fun donkey work :-) No, really, it's fun to edit and proofread 100 stories from 100 authors. It's really interesting to see how others are doing and thinking and writing.

If you'd like to take a look at the Project, here's the link...

...but of course, don't forget to recommend Humanity H2O!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Farkas Alpha Promo! + Gubacsi Dulu 43rd rating!

Gubacsi Dulu got its 43rd rating! And it's a 5 star! Thank you, whoever you may be! Your support is much appreciated!

Still not much happening with Radnoti X in term of reviews/ratings, but the last time I said that, it got an addtional 3star added to the two 5s... so maybe... shhhh.... :-)

And Farkas Alpha got a fantastic promo from Jasper T. Scott! didn't actually do what I thought it would, but there was movement across all 3 books! Farkas didn't receive #1 New Release in that particular subcategory :-( ... but it did get #3 in ALL three subcategories... maybe there'll be more movement later!

So, here they are, in 3D, Humanity H2O. Wonderful, aren't they?

Humanity H2O! Don't believe everything that's been told to you! Please recommend them to a friend!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Farkas Alpha Publishing News

Well, Farkas Alpha went out yesterday... 95% of the Pre-Orders went out, but Amazon... seemed to have frozen... not much happened there... BUT the books went out! And that's what's important! 

However, Gubacsi Dulu is still going strong on KENP, Radnoti X is picking up on the same platform, and hopefully Farkas Alpha will follow! 

A friend of mine yesterday, an old friend from way back said yesterday, "Hey! I hear you've got a book out!" Yeah, like, 10 years ago...LOL

May Humanity find a way! (or MTSG... whichever)

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Farkas Alpha! Out now!

Yes! It's here! Pre-orders are going out already! I wish you all a good read... and hopefully some great feedback, too! Farkas Alpha was still holding at #5 New Release in a subcategory before now, hopefully it'll all come to fruitation now.

And it's been one hell of a ride, starting back in April/May some time, I can't quite remember, but the work is here, available for all to see. One hybrid POV from Officer Karina Reif, 2357 AD! Many readers have enjoyed her journey so far, let's hope they'll enjoy third third installment. Some readers have stalled at the first hurdle with their own prejudices and hang-ups. May humanity find a way! This is the way? Do you know the way? Reading these could be a start...

Humanity H2O

Gubacsi Dulu (Book 1)

Radnoti X (Book 2)

Farkas Alpha (Book 3)

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Farkas Alpha - 2 days to go!

When I look back before I started writing Humanity H2O, I would have never thought I'd have a three-book sci-fi series out on Amazon before the end of 2020, let alone the success that it's had! ...success being its impact, whether good or bad ratings. It had an impact. I hoped it would.

Which brings me to one particular aspect of life. Change. Some people never change. In fact, some think no one ever changes. Not really. However much you go through, however much you suffer/feel pain/enjoy life, you are still that 'core' individual you always were when you were young. I was afraid. In many ways I still am, but I now have 'armour', I can defend myself and others against the worries and fears that appear every day. The day depends on how well I deal with them, of course. And looking at the world at the moment, there are many things to fear. The biggie: Will corruption ever end? Will we ever finally see the way forward?

Well, you can have a read while you're thinking about that... Join the fight!