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Thursday, March 6, 2014

One more time...the drawing with background :-)

I tried one more time with the 'One Moose' picture, drew the fat moose again and put some Dr. Suess background in. It's looks a little better, but still amateurish. I have absolutely no idea how I'd do the rest of the poem (see below).

One Moose (reposted here)
One moose, two moose, fat moose, thin moose.
Some are very small, while others seem quite tall. Oh, let's have a ball!
Some are old, and some are bold. Some have colds and some have mould.
Why do some have colds and mould? I guess it won't be told.
Some are happy, some are snappy. This one has a little nappy.
Here are some who like to chat, here are some who like big hats.
Here are some who like to scat, here are some who have pet rats.
Some have great clothes, others have big toes.
Some like to compose, others, well, who knows?
Some are funny, some have money, some like little furry bunnies.
Some have short tails, some have long nails, some like swimming with the blue whales.
This one's name is Tom, he loves to take his Mom to go and see the Prom.
This one's name is Fred, he loves his comfy bed to rest his weary head.
Why does Fred love his bed? I guess because it's cherry red.
None of them is like the other, they all grew up with diff'rent mothers.
So come along and see the moose, but don't forget the orange juice.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

First drawing in 30 years...think I'll stick to writing

I thought I'd have a go at drawing, the first time in 30 years. I think I need to practise a bit more. A bit amateurish and wrong, but hey! It was worth a try. Perhaps I'll try copying some of Dr. Suess' fish or something. Moose are about the hardest things EVER! Tried to use Dr. Suess colours, too.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Almost Human

Just watched the 1st episode of 'Almost Human''s on about episode 12 or 13 now. I'm not American, okay, I can't watch it on TV...anyway...this is good-ish. Enjoyable. Okay, it's the same old stuff, but at least someone is trying to make something sci-fi on TV. A good try.

Bring back Star Trek, that's what I say!

My TIW Challenge 54 take

Keeping up with TIW. Thought I'd write in the style of the BBC, when comedy heads get together and come up with nothing and call it surreal...:-) NOT like Spike Milligan, he could come up with the goods almost EVERY time!

My Challenge 54 take..."BBC Surreal Satire at its worst"

Charley watched as the new arrivals landed and queued up for passport control. Unfortunately, he hadn't felt well for days and this was his first day back after a week of illness. After ducking down to take a glass of water, he came back up to see that the first arrival through was a 6' watermelon carrying a purple rucksack.
"Err...good day."
"Good day." The 6' watermelon passed Charley an EU passport.
"Is, err, is this your passport?" asked Charley, a little confused.
"Why, yes, it is. Anything wrong?" The watermelon scratched its head.
"I've just come back from a scrapbooking convention in Phoenix, Arizona, you know? Very enjoyable, very nice."
Scrapbooking convention? Sounded awful, a bunch of old girls with photos.
"Sir…" He called a watermelon sir? "This picture is not you."
"Sorry? What? Not me? What do you mean?"
"The picture in your passport doesn't match your present appearance." How could it?
"Of course it's me, who else could it be? That's my passport."
"Your passport?" Charley looked at him, shiny and clean, probably extraordinarily juicy inside.
"Yes, that's my passport and my picture!" The watermelon stamped its 'feet'. Charley scrutinised the picture more.
"But this picture looks like Walter Koenig, aka Ensign Chekov from the Original Star Trek Series. In fact, I'm sure this IS a photo of Walter Koenig, aka Ensign Chekov from the Original Star Trek Series cut out of a magazine." He showed it to the watermelon, holding it up against the inside of his glass cubicle.
"Oh yes, really, I do see a similarity of sorts…" confessed the watermelon.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to call airport security." Charley moved to his intercom and went to hit the buttons but the watermelon, now sweating, pushed itself against the cubicle.
"Look, you've gotta help me. There's a particularly unfriendly cuccumber back there I'm trying to get away from. I'm sure he's after me, I'm sure he's after my pips." Both Charley and the watermelon looked down the line, and there it was, a large 8' tall cuccumber waiting in the long queue, menacingly staring at them.
"Sir…" Again with the sir? "I'm trying to do my job here and if you have a grievience with any of your fellow passengers then please take it up with either them or your airline service supplier. My problem is that this picture is not you, it is Walter Koenig who played Ensign Chekov in the Original Star Trek Series, and not that there is an 8' tall cuccumber in the queue behind who is after your pips."
"Oh, alright, it's a fair cop, guv'nor. I got that picture at the convention."
"Thank you, sir. Now I'll just contact airport security and we…"
The watermelon was off, running across the hall of cubicles, looking for a way out of the terminal, bashing into people and falling over baggage.
"Not another watermelon, eh?" said Charley's colleague.
"Yeah. It's strange, you usually only see them at the weekends."

Monday, March 3, 2014

Dani's Shorts 2 downloads so far :-)

It's the end of the Amazon promo for 'Dani's Shorts 2'...not much interest in it, really. Is it because it's me or shorts stories? Anyway, overall, there are now over 100 free copies out there, somewhere, 2 weeks after publishing. It's not much, but hey, who am I to complain?
If you still haven't got it, it's here for free...

Trying to keep up with editing 'How to' and TIW latest stuff. But you know how life is. And I did it again. I was reading 'Manna-X' on the metro and I almost missed my stop. 13 stops is a long time but it seemed only a few minutes. I guess that's yet another reason I write, to read a book I enjoy...I'm really sure that's some kind of 'ego' perversion or Jazz. or do I just 'make a Jazz noise here'...?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

For Ukraine - the trouble's just begun

I get a lot of hits from Ukraine, and tons of followers on twitter. I have no idea why, but that's okay :-)
I'm trying to keep up with the Ukraine situation, it's getting dangerous, perhaps I'll write a story about it. Let's see if I understand so far...
Ukraine left the USSR I'm guessing in 1991. Recently, there were talks about Ukraine working with the EU. Unfortunately, Russia wanted Ukraine to join some regional customs union and offered Ukraine financial support to change their minds. The Ukrainian PM finally subdued to Russian pressure (somehow - back hander?) and agreed not to work with the EU. Then the people demonstrated, 80 people were killed by the Police, the Ukrainian PM left. Ukraine set up a temporary Government to sort out the troubles and riots.
However, in Crimea (an autonomous republic of Ukraine with its own parliament and with 60% of the population Russian speakers) a group of masked gunmen held the Crimean Council at gunpoint and forced them to appoint a pro-Russian Chairman, who then appealed for Russian troops to enter the area. 15,000 troops later, Obama and Putin had a telephone conversation, with Putin saying it was his right to protect Russian speakers (there has been no violence against them) and Obama saying they'll take action if Russia doesn't move out (close Putin's personal bank accounts - which are reported to be substantial).
Got it so far?

Now let's translate that into Ukrainian using Google...:-)

 Я отримую багато звернень з України , а також безліч послідовників на Твіттері . Я поняття не маю , чому, але це нормально :-)Я намагаюся не відставати від ситуації в Україні , це стає небезпечним , може бути , я напишу історію про нього. Давайте подивимося , якщо я розумію , досі ...Україна залишив СРСР я припускаю , в 1991 році. Останнім часом були розмови про Україну співпрацює з ЄС. На жаль , Росія хотіла , щоб Україна приєднатися до деяких регіонального митного союзу і запропонував Україні фінансову підтримку , щоб змінити свою думку. Глава українського нарешті підкорив російському тиску (так чи інакше - ? Назад правша ) , і вирішив не працювати з ЄС. Тоді люди продемонстрували , 80 осіб було вбито поліцією , українська PM залишилося. Україна створила тимчасовий уряд , щоб розібратися в неприємності і заворушення .Проте , в Криму ( автономна республіка у складі України зі своїм власним парламентом і з 60 % населення російськомовних ) група озброєних людей в масках провели Кримський Рада під дулом пістолета і змусили їх призначити проросійську голови , який потім звернувся за російські війська , щоб увійти в зону. 15000 війська потому, Обама і Путін провів телефонну розмову з Путіним кажучи , що це було його право на захист російськомовних (не було ніякого насильства проти них ) і Обама кажучи , що вони будуть вживати заходів , якщо Росія не вийти ( близько Путіна особисті банківські рахунки - який , як повідомляється , бути істотним ) .Отримав його досі ?

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Yes, it's March the 2nd...Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
My parents must've read me a few when I was very young because I've ALWAYS loved Dr. Seuss, and it must've been VERY young because the first I can remember is the pictures. I was a 'good' drawer at age 9 and I wanted to draw like someone but couldn't remember until I met Dr. Seuss' books later on in life...opportunity gone. I have a small collection of books now which I read to my kids at bedtime. They love them.
But now, yes, you guessed it, to celebrate his birthday, Michael from TIW challenged us to write in the style of Dr. Seuss! So I did. And pasted a picture together...copyright infringement, here I come :-) Find it on TIW here ( here's mine, based on 'One fish, two fish' :-)

One moose, two moose, fat moose, thin moose.
Some are very small, while others seem quite tall. Oh, let's have a ball!
Some are old, and some are bold. Some have colds and some have mould.
Why do some have colds and mould? I guess it won't be told.
Some are happy, some are snappy. This one has a little nappy.
Here are some who like to chat, here are some who like big hats.
Here are some who like to scat, here are some who have pet rats.
Some have great clothes, others have big toes.
Some like to compose, others, well, who knows?
Some are funny, some have money, some like little furry bunnies.
Some have short tails, some have long nails, some like swimming with the blue whales.
This one's name is Tom, he loves to take his Mom to go and see the Prom.
This one's name is Fred, he loves his comfy bed to rest his weary head.
Why does Fred love his bed? I guess because it's cherry red.
None of them is like the other, they all grew up with diff'rent mothers.
So come along and see the moose, but don't forget the orange juice.