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Saturday, February 13, 2016

#Kickstarter #althil5 Alternate Hilarities 5 + WQ166

I've got a short story ('Afterlife's a Bitch') in "Alternative Hilarities 5: One Star Reviews of the Afterlife"! Yep! And it was quite hard to be accepted. It was rejected at first, then I swallowed my pride, worked on the problems (because for once, the rejection letter had them written down) and 'Hey Presto!', I was in!
It has a Kickstarter over here...if you have a spare dollar or two, that would be fantastic. We must try to beat these monopolizing Big Boy Publishers giving the Masses 'crap in a cover'. Support Indies!

And yes, of course, a little 200 word story...Iron Writer Weekend Quickie 166... too!...

Elements: Use the phrase,"What were you thinking?", Bending the rules, Dynamic equilibrium

"WhAt arE yOu doIng?" it asked.
"I'm doing what I want to do," he replied. "...squeeze the toothpaste in the middle..."
"Don'T dO It, DaVe, sHe woN't liKe iT!"
"What's the matter? I'm not breaking any rules, just 'bending' them. What's the harm in that? ...leave the toilet seat up..."
"No, DavE, sHe'll blOw heR toP!"
"...some hair left in the brush...a bit of toothpaste on the side of the sink..."
"DaVe, stOp nOw!"
"I can't help it, I've had enough. I feel I've been running up an escalator that's forever going down. It's killing, I need to do this!"
"I cAn seE thAt, DavE. DynAmic equiLibrium, thAt's whaT yOu're deScribing, DynaM..."
"I don't care what it's called. I have to do these things! Every one I do loosens the chains...shavings in the plughole..." Dave stood back and looked at his work. "There, it's done."
"WhAt weRe yOu thiNking, DAve?"
"Look, conscience, I've had enough of your bickering. Sure, she's not gonna like it, but hey, I feel so free!" The front door opened and in walked Dave's wife after a hard day at work.
"OH, dEar."
People could see the explosion from as far away as Canada.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Oregon Standoff over? + Another short story (Iron Writer)

Wow, this blog post is all 'links'...remember to read it all before clicking, and come back for the others :-)

The Iron Writer Challenge 145 has me in it...please go and see my 500 word take of the 4 given elements..."Dalloway's Clown"

"Everything I Need to Know..." is doing very well on Amazon, Congrats to Laura Roberts on getting us together for this one!

"All For Love" is still new, waiting on the paperback, I have no idea what the hold-up is. Unless things get better real soon, it's the last time I use a small publisher. It's either self-publishing or the Big Boys after that...(yeah, right).
Only good sounds from those who've bothered to read it :-)

AND...finally, the Oregon Standoff, after 41 days, has finished!
Now, will they give the land back to the Bush Paiute tribe? Yeah, like THAT'S gonna happen. So wrapped up in their own white bullshit, they can't see reality.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"Everything I Need to Know about Love I Learned from Pop Songs" from Buttontapper Press!

Another anthology is out!
"Everything I Need to Know about Love I Learned from Pop Songs" from Buttontapper Press!
The official release is on February the 14th, but you can buy it now!
I have a fantastic 'not-so-serious' short story within its pages :-)
And there are a ton more great stories about love and pop songs!
Go read it now! It'll help you with love. Really. Or maybe not. My story? Probably not. But it is entertaining!

'Rage' promo went...well...yeah...well...

A few more people on this little rock of ours now have a free copy of 'Rage'. Super! Maybe a few of them will read it, maybe one will review it! Who knows? Would be nice...unless it's a 1 or 2 star review...but the book doesn't deserve that.
Reading 'Neuromancer' by William Gibson ( Fantastic book. It has so much space for the reader, so much 'new' language, a place for the reader to breathe without being overpowering. If only I could write like that...I'm trying.
Finally got a nice beginning I like to a sci-fi. Perhaps I'll finish this one.
"All for Love" paperback should be, now...'tomorrow' translated means next week, I guess. Am I impatient? Yes. Nature of the Beast. Or monster, should I say...

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Rage: Not just a pretty Sci-fi - Dolphins are Muslims

Yes, I don't think readers of 'Rage' (FREE right now, go here to get it... really understand how much 9/11 is in that book.
The dolphins are Muslims...yes. Killed by the Atlanteans, strapped onto a flying craft and flown into a building...sound familiar? What? You think the terrorists did it all by themselves? Who did you think gave them the money to become terrorists in the first place? Who got them to America? Who gave them all money for pilot training? Do you think money grows on trees? Show me the trees, I need some of them... There are other social aspects of the dolphins relationship within the book which mirror the Christian/Muslim 'disagreement', shall we say.
Other than that, who can miss Satan on the toilet? I can't. I'm reading it again...

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Soon we won't be able to joke about anything! + WQ165

Been watching some interviews and talks from John Cleese. Yes, he's right about humour, this 'political correctness' has gone too far. Soon, no one will be able to make a joke about anything. Humour is based on teasing. Humour is critical. Without a joke, you're living in '1984'. Other than this, Cleese seems to be living on quotes from experts and reminiscing about the past. Rather like Billy Connolly.
Nice video from Cleese about political correctness and humour...

 And here's the Iron Writer Weekend Quickie 165
Here it is on the website...all of a
And here is my take of this week's elements...

WQ165 - turmoil, implications, a tipping point

Baptism of Fire

"Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him...shit, that's not him," said Francis, dropping the skull and searching the exhumed remains for others.
"Francis, please, enough," said Richard, Francis' companion.
"The time is ripe at 14:43 on this Thursday afternoon while the sun moves over the land and warms the yearning earth beneath our feet covered with brown leather shoes and tartan patterned socks with yellow smiley faces." He stopped in his tracks. "Ah-ha! I am at the tipping point of a new idea!"
"Please keep it to yourself, Francis. Your over-descriptive information dumps disguised as dialogue is bringing me great confusion and turmoil within my already tortured soul," said his fellow scavenger.
"But can't you see the implications of all this, Richard, my dear friend of 12 years, 4 months and 13 days who has a gammy leg and a hankering for egg and bacon rolls served on a silver platter with a cold beer in the morning while his slippers have been warmed on the radiator for an hour before dawn and the radio set to play Class FM's 3 hour rotating tape with Taylor Swift singing "Shake it Off"?"
"I don't feel well, all of a sudden,"  moaned Richard.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The next book and the Qu'ran(!!)

I've been working on my next book for quite a while, in fact, longer than "All For Love", which is already out (still waiting for the paperback release).

Every book is different in terms of writing process. I wanted to write it with one the ways I've done books before, but unfortunately for me, that's not the case this time.
"All For Love" was a strange process, probably never to be repeated by anyone again, including myself. I tried. It didn't work.
This next one? I have the characters, the plot, the character's motivations and main actions within the story. I also drew not a map but a picture of the place it's set. But writing? Not a sausage. Okay, I have a few 'scenes', a few words here and there, but that's it. It's going to be an adventure to figure out how to write this. Maybe I need to wear a funny hat or something.

Talking of funny hats, I read the first few pages of the Qur' felt like someone was bashing me over the head with a big stick. That book is a bully, more so than the Bible. There was a part about 'faith' which reminded me of the old Medieval "Ducking stool" it, it's so 'Catch 22', it's unbelievable. I also found a passage (I haven't read much at all, only a few pages) which states that you can kill those who you feel oppress you. What? And another about 'fasting'...."You must do this for three days, and then a further seven, making ten in total..." What? Sounds like the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. I feel the book is oppressing me...can I kill it? I need to read on...