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Monday, January 2, 2023

Ukraine - 313 days so far...

I've always had a ton of viewers on this blog, BOTs or people, I don't care, from Russia. So...

Ukraine. 313 days. Putin attacked Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022, thinking that the country would fold in 5 or 6 days. It didn't. I've got a few points here to make.

1. Corruption changes the viewpoint of everything. Putin suffered from corruption of his intelligence on Ukraine and from his own military, which used its annual budget on personal gains for its generals. New reinforcements are suffering from that same corruption, given little or no equipment.

2. It's the 21st century. No one can attack a country in Europe without having worldwide repercussions. There are wars elsewhere, but corrupt/bought media doesn't mention those, and it seems no one cares. America cares about America, Europe about Europe, etc. Anyway, Putin deciding to attack Ukraine is insane... oh yeah, he did it to Georgia in 2008 with the same false claims that they were helping to save their people. Except Georgia is far enough away from Europe for Europe to care.

3. Many people wishing for power are pigs. Putin is the biggest of quite a few around at the moment. He'll devour everything he can, the weaker ones first. There are others like Putin in other countries. When will they come after you? 

Follow this guy on Youtube, Denys Davydov. He's Ukrainian and tells it how it is.

New Ratings, New Review!

2023 is here already! I was hoping to have a few new books laid out for me by this time, but a long-term illness happened and slowed me down last year. I got to mainly do proofreading but was able to pop one book out, In the Midst of Fools.

As for last year, there were a few sales, mostly from my sci-fi series (see below) but not enough to allow me to retire... damn. Daniel K, a recent reader, has now read all 4 books of my Graham Reader series, and I guess he'd recommend them to anyone.

Here's his review of Manna-X, the climax of that series.

Yep. he figured out my hobgoblins were actually influenced by... now that would be telling, wouldn't it.

Anyway, still chugging along, working on inspiration for both another sci-fi and How to 3.

AND... Gubacsi Dulu is now on 98 ratings! It needs only TWO more to get that 100! If you've read it, please come and rate!

Someone is also reading Over Reif and Under right at this moment, so I'd like to say, thanks and I hope you enjoy it!

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available, book 1 of Marika's Quest. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days. A few. Waiting on a review at the moment. It hasn't got many.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Rage... 5 star review! + Elon Musk / Telekom / Writing

Interesting week...

Elon Musk might pull himself off Twitter (Yeah!!!)... but probably not.

Telekom showed its true colours to the teachers... its new Xmas advert went to 10 countries, 9 of them used a teacher as the main character, while this country used... a bus driver. Heil Orbán!

I wrote a few more 'Shorts' for Dani's Shorts 9... still a few to go, though.

I also wrote a little more of How to 3...

...and tried a rewrite of that book that wasn't published. Maybe the publishers will take another look at it... but again, they've gone quiet.

There were also a few readers this week, one for Midst and the other for The Rage of Atlantis, which got a 5 star review from one of my big readers at the moment, Daniel K! Thank you, sir!

AND... of course, here are my two sci-fi series. I'm still trying to get 100 ratings for Gubacsi Dulu! If you've read it, please come and rate!

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available, book 1 of Marika's Quest. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days. A few. And yes, it picked up another reader! Thank you!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Bethlehem Fiasco! 5 star review!

 I published Bethlehem Fiasco ten years ago, it sold a few and readers liked it. Now, today it received its 4th review from one of my top readers, Daniel K. Thank you, sir! (Isn't it strange... Dani J Caile... Daniel JK... yep. Nope, it's not me.)

If you'd like to know what he's talking about, go and read it!

And yes, I have started writing 'How to' 3, ie. How to Float a Boat (there's a subtitle but I'm not putting it here yet). How to 1 = land, How to 2 = sea, How to 3 = guess.

So while we all wait... please go and buy, read and rate these books, maybe even review them! They are my food of existence. Without them, I am but a mere grain of sand in the 'Amazon' desert, an unknown author without sustenance.

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available, book 1 of Marika's Quest. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days. A few.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

97th rating for Gubacsi Dulu... and its a 5 star!

Yes, the 97th! Three more to go to hit the BIG 100! And the 97th is a 5 star! Thank you, whoever you are! That made my day! Infact, things like this spur me on... yep, dangerous, I know.

So, I've started writing 'How to' 3, and the publisher will get back to me about it. But first I must write it. The title? How to Float a Boat (there's a subtitle but I'm not putting it here yet). How to 1 = land, How to 2 = sea, How to 3 = guess.

Anyway, while we all wait... please go and buy, read and rate these books, maybe even review them! They are my food of existence. Without them, I am but a mere grain of sand in the 'Amazon' desert, an unknown author without sustenance.

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available, book 1 of Marika's Quest. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days. A few.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

'How to' 3 - coming not so soon!

Is my writing career slow at the moment? Yes! I posted TWICE in November, and basically had two sales. Excellent... 

A few other things happened this month, too, but it's best not to disclose those. 

On another theme, I had the thought of finally writing 'How to' 3, and mentioned it to the publisher... they haven't spoken to me since. I have a few ideas for the book but not enough yet. But it seems the publisher isn't ready to accommodate me on that, anyway. 

So, to help me out... please go and buy, read and rate these books, maybe even review them! They are my food of existence. Without them, I am but a mere grain of sand in the 'Amazon' desert, an unknown author without sustenance.

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available, book 1 of Marika's Quest. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days. A few.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

New Review AND new rating! (Man by a Tree + Under the Shade of the Sun)

 One day, two books got some attention!

Man by a Tree, my first ever book and the first of a 4-part fantasy series, received a 5-star review from one of my sci-fi fans. Thanks, Daniel!

If you'd like to have a read, here's the link. It's also available on KENP. (Never judge a book by its cover...)

AND... Under the Shade of the Sun, (mmm, can you see some continuity there, perhaps?) got its 52nd rating, a 4-star... thank you, whoever you are!

If you'd like to check out any of my books, here's the link... (I'd still like 4 more ratings for Gubacsi Dulu to get to the 100...!)

Proofreading at the moment, but soon I'll get back to writing book 2 of my latest series... unless Amazon has other ideas... they said they are reviewing my reply...