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Monday, December 4, 2023

Another 5 star for Ascension! #scifi #ebook

And thank you AGAIN to my new reader from Canada! Another great review, not only 5 stars but also got to the core of the book.

As for other news... still working on book '10', the second Marika book, working on another, and watching 'Shade' lose another rating, now down to 54 again. What is Amazon doing, hmm?

Anyway, hope 2024 is a little more lively than 2023!


Friday, November 24, 2023

5 star review for 'Slaughter'! (Sci-fi)

And again, thank you, new reader, for this brand new 5 star review! I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the series!

 So, if you'd like to read what it's all about, just follow the link to Amazon!



Saturday, November 11, 2023

5 stars for 'Under the Shade of the Sun'!

Yep, super! A 5-star review for 'Under the Shade of the Sun'! Thank you, new reader! Looking forward to finding out how you feel about the other books in the series.

So nice to get some 'action' on my books after so many dry months.

Still working on the next, though it's not like anything I've written before, least not in that genre.

Friday, October 27, 2023

A New Reader! (or old one?)

This week I finally got some sales for the Bohatch Chronicles, after many dry months. Thank you, whoever you are, be it a new or old reader. I still got a few dollars from them, and hopefully you'll get some enjoyment!

Still working on the next, though it's not like anything I've written before, least not in that genre.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Great Distraction

There's a book inside waiting to come out. But it seems I will neither have the audience nor the patience to see it through. I have more Singapore BOTs than readers.

If you've stumbled on this post somehow from somewhere, remember to check out my contributions to the Great Distraction...

Sunday, August 27, 2023

There's a small hole in my garden...

Yep. There were a few of these, now there's only one.

A wolf spider. I gave it a little drink and it popped its head out (nope, this isn't the actual picture). 

My garden has always had these critters. Huge things. One of them was sitting on the door frame the other day, waiting for me to open the door for it to go inside. I think I caught it in the middle of writing a note for me, 'I came to visit but you weren't in', and I then gave it a goodnight kiss, so to speak (poor thing). Though it could've paid some rent... this is one I found some years ago when I first moved in. Maybe this latest one is a relation...

Friday, August 25, 2023

Still writing... and still the BOTs from Singapore

Well, it seems this blog has been compromised by BOTs from Singapore.

If anyone is interested, my sci-fi series paperbacks will hopefully now be taken over by my USA publisher in the future, as they go to book fairs and events across the USA and I don't, I'm stuck here writing this...

And I'm heavily into writing something, so... yeah. Still writing...