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Monday, April 13, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu - 'tis done...

Yes, after years of thinking about it, I've finally 'finished' Gubacsi Dulu, my first sci-fi novella.
Why novella? I didn't want to add filler to make it into a novel, I wanted the essence there.
Perhaps if there's interest in this, I'll write a second part... it's possible.
Anyway, waiting on a few small presses and a friend or two for some feedback before I say any more... but here's the blurb!

2357 AD. Officer Karina Reif wants to start afresh. Or does she? A 'John Doe' appears in the depths of her jurisdiction, an AxiCorp water extraction installation on Gubasci Dulu, thousands of light years from Earth, and breaks apart the fragile façade of her life. What will she do with the secrets she finds?
A claustrophobic, subtly humorous, psychotic future of people who no longer know why.

Here's my first attempt at a cover again, though there are plans afoot for a better one! I'll take any!
But while you're waiting for this, go over to Smashwords and download my freebies, there are tons to choose from...

Friday, March 27, 2020

Dani's Shorts 4 hits 1000 downloads!

Yeah! Another of my freebies hits the 1000th download!
I wonder if anyone reads them... I never hear about it.
Now, let's see what was in DS4... oh yes! One of the best collections of shorts.
Challenges, Weekend Quickies, Grudge matches, Newsflashes, Facebook relay stories... now those were great to do, firing off comments to make a story! If I remember right, "The Duel of Procrastination" really hit the spot... here, read...

The Duel of Procrastination
( One Man Show (Fb relay) (4-6 October 2014))

Mathew shuffled to the sound of leaves falling from the resting
trees as he hid behind a particularly thorny bramble bush, away from
the searching eyes of those present. His seemingly constant flow of
procrastination had finally placed him in a particularly prickly
situation and his suit of slightly rusting armour was no match for the
persistant spikey bush which had the ability to seek out the joining
"Where is that Weaver?!" shouted an irate Dani. "He was meant to
be here three days ago! We're running out of peanut butter and jello
Jordan stood firm, clenching the case which held the two dueling
"He's not coming, can't you see that?" Jordan dropped the pistols'
case and opened one of the six pack he'd brought along. "Fancy a
"Nah, you never know, he might appear. I've gotta keep my wits
about me," said Dani, waving off the can once, twice, three times.
Jordan swung it his way once more and he took it and had a swig.
Mathew spotted his chance and ran out of the hedge, away from
the two drinking their beers. For armour, it was surprisingly light and
flexible and he sprinted across to the playground, towards safety and
a chance for a chip butty.
"Look! There he goes!" screamed Jordan, losing half his beer as he
pointed. Dani dropped his and grabbed the pistols' case.
"Give me that! Ahh!" The harder he tried to open the case, the less
chance it would.
"You've bent the hinges now! It'll never open!" Jordan caught the
case as Dani threw it away in disgust.
"No matter. I have one of these!" Dani took out a large can opener
and chased after Mathew. "I'll get that bugger if it's the last thing...!"
He tripped over a mole hill.

Come and read all those little stories...

Monday, March 23, 2020

Amazon Author Rank beta has been retired!

How am I meant to know how 'successful/unsuccessful' I am anymore?
Amazon has put a notice up that says...

So little authors such as myself can't check our progress.
It doesn't change the writing process, but it definitely changes the marketing game plan... marketing game plabn?!?... did I ever have one?

Had a crazy day over at Smashwords on the 21st... SO MANY free downloads! Sometimes it's a good day!

Friday, March 20, 2020

FREE "Rage of Atlantis" once again! + BABY SHOES FREE!

Yes, it's free again, one of my masterpieces based on the Capitalistic Fascism that is slowly taking over this world.
Come and get the ebook for FREE! You'll find it on your Amazon website if you're not on .com :-)
It's the only book I know with a dolphin as a hero, so don't expect the usual story!

And I've just found out that 'Baby Shoes' is FREE as well! A great anthology of short stories!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Free downloads! For real!

There's some action over on Smashwords, a few interested readers poking their heads in my direction... which is nice... here's the link to my free stuff if that's new for you...


Line by Lion Publications have whispered that they will be giving a few FREE EBOOK days for my books, for example...

...available here...


(which isn't available yet on EBOOK... but it's possible it will be soon!)

...still working on "Dani's Shorts 8+" and "Gubacsi Dulu" ... and "How to 3", of course!

I'll keep you posted on EVERYTHING when it happens.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

New Weekly Prompt Challenge - More Odds Than Ends

Things are moving along slowly, an occasional sale of an anthology which I just happen to have a story in, and the occasional sale of one of my books!
Still working on 'Gubacsi Dulu', my short sci-fi story. If you keep going over the same pages again and again, nothing's gonna happen. So I've finally agreed on the style and I'm working through it.
Doing the ol' Iron Writer Challenge every week, too, AND I've found another weekly writing challenge with no strings attached... More Odds Than Ends... brand new, started this year.
Check it out if you're interested...
I've had a go at the 1st week with the first 'spare prompt'...300 words...

Prompt - Describe an undercover police officer disguised as a homeless man through the eyes of someone who is able to recognize him as a cop.

Looking out through the blinds as I usually do, and watching the street for the next drop off kinda gives you a sixth sense. At first I thought I was going paranoid and shrugged it off but then your brain won't stop when it gets an inkling, telling you something's not right with this picture. All was normal in the street, at the grocers, the barbers, the tobacconists, even the watchmaker was open after a week closed due to sickness in the family, but what caught my eye was the homeless guy sitting on the corner, arse against the wall with his knees up on his chest. Sure, I could see from here the couple of days’ stubble on his face and that his clothes looked like he'd slept in them for a while, and his manner was that of a drunk. But people ignored him as they walked by. Now by itself, that isn't strange, but I mean, no one noticed him. Absolutely no one looked his way. It was like he wasn't sitting there and stinking the place out. I told young Joe to get me some oranges and I watched as he walked right by the guy. I even showed him the guy when he came back up. Nope, he hadn't seen him, or more to the point, smelt him. Yep, that was my problem. If he was a homeless guy, either he'd just been to the shelter and got himself a shave and a shower, maybe some new apparel, which he hadn't, or he smelt like shit from the street. Which he didn't. Occasionally I caught him looking our way, towards the front door, our front door. The door with no distinguishing marks, signs or features for strikingly obvious reasons. This guy was an undercover cop.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

What happened to the Cover Creator?

What happened to the old Createspace's Cover Creator?
I used to self-publish stuff through Createspace but now it's Amazon controlled, so I guess they changed everything - for the worse, of course. There's not much to choose from in the templates anymore.
Look, this is the best I could do with the free stuff...

Not so good, huh? Does this mean I'll have to PAY for cover work now? Hell, if I get some actual sales then I could pay for it, but those are few and far between. And royalties?

Still trying to get this one finished, too...