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Monday, August 24, 2020

10 Day Countdown - 7 days to go! Gubacsi Dulu #FREE

 Yep, only 7 days to go until 'Gubacsi Dulu' is #FREE!

Names of characters today.

I've always loved Dickens, and even more after researching nomenclature, the naming of characters to suit their personalities. Here's a little screenshot of one of my essays...

You'll find the whole essay (it's not long) here...

Anyway, so during my writing 'career', I've tried to do the same, naming characters with names that matched their personalities, or gave them 'made-up' names which sounded like them. My first series of four books and most of my writing is like this. Reginald is a great name for someone who rents out a universe, while Graham Reader replaces Grim Reaper. Guido symbolizes the most dull person in the world.

In my 'How to' series (two books... How to Build a Castle in Seven Easy Steps and How to Sink a Ship (in eight long, excruciatingly terrifying, stinkingly evil nights)), I used anagrams of writers I both love - good characters - and loath -  bad characters. Norby, the hero is Byron. The 'good' village is called Wenigyham (Hemingway), while the 'bad' village is Rimshag (Grisham). That kind of thing.

My new sci-fi series is different. I decided to use 'real' names. Names of my students (with their consent), though changed slightly - except for the main character. She was my muse to writing this up due to her complete insanity in completing online weekly assignments. She was the one who wrote forever, made me laugh and gave absolutely genuine and yet crazy answers. Long live Karina! If only all my students were like her.

So, if you'd like to read 'her' journey, pick up the book (or wait for the #free download in 7 days). But PLEASE, whichever it is, leave an honest review!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

10 Day Countdown - 8 days to go! Gubacsi Dulu #FREE

 8 days to go until the #FREE ebook promotion of 'Gubacsi Dulu'!

So, what's special about the book? About the whole series?

For myself, many things. The first is that it's all written in one perspective, one point of view (POV), the main character, Karina Reif. I decided early on with this one that there would be no multiple 'heads'.

My first series, a world where the universe is a rental, had multiple POVs. My second series, a world of mud and soup also had mutiple POVs, though only four or five, and if two were in the same 'scene', the most important POV had the 'scene'.

In this new series, only one. Some parts of the story aren't told, the parts the main character doesn't see. It gives the piece a more realistic feel. Or at least one which people can relate to. We all have only one POV, while trying to understand the other's around us.

(Next up: Names)

...different points of view...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

10 Day Countdown... 9 Days to go! Gubacsi Dulu #FREE!

9 more days til the #FREE Ebook Promotion for 'Gubacsi Dulu (Humanity H2O #1).

 Trying to promote this one on all the free sites I can and email lists people will let me on.

I have no idea what's going to happen on the 31st of August... maybe something, maybe nothing, who knows? All I know is that I'm trying...

...and writing Book 2 in the Humanity H2O series... one new line from the book...

A little more of the less, a little less of the more.

I know roughly what will happen... but how...? Even for me that'll be a surprise!

I'm thinking of using this image from NASA as the background for the second... what do you think?

Friday, August 21, 2020

10 Day Countdown! Gubacsi Dulu FREE in 10 days...

 There will be a THREE DAY Free Promotion for Gubacsi Dulu, starting on the 31st of August and ending on the 2nd of September.

Why? Because I'd like to collect some reviews! The story is easy to read and I'm sure you'll all get something from it, perhaps some suspense, some surprises and a little excitement!

So PLEASE put the date into your calenders or wherever you put reminders... 31st of August!

And make sure you tell your friends! The more readers the better... and of course, the more reviews the better!

If you'd like to go see the book on Amazon now, here's the link...

And on (Canada) where it has some numbers!

Bestsellers rank #160,468 in Kindle Store 

#319 in Steampunk Science Fiction (Kindle Store)

#2,647 in Science Fiction Adventure

#4,802 in Adventure Science Fiction (Books)

The Paperback also has some numbers on!

#620,128 in Books 

#79855 in Literature & Fiction for Children (Books)

#1324 in Steam Punk

#10831 in Science Fiction Adventure (Books)

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Yet another Antivárium treasure!

I'm not big on poetry but if I find something special, I need to get it and read it.
So I picked up this great collection of poems from 'the beginning of time' til... 1891. And it was cheap. 
I thoroughly recommend antiváriums! They even have Dryden in there!

...and there really are 1001! All gems... well, I haven't read them all but they do have John Milton in there and also the Bard (of course, he's got pages and pages).

There's this nice picture inside the front, too, for when some of these 'gems' get a little too much...


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Canadian Reader! 😀

I really don't know how it works, but there's this thing on Amazon where subscribers to their site can read books. For myself this thing is called KENP Read and it's counted in the number of pages subscribers read. A lot of Amazon authors make a lot of money on this if 1000s of pages are read. Me, well, I've made a few cents... BUT it's not the money, it's the readers that count for me!

So, I'd like to thank whoever the Canadian reader is who read my latest book. Maybe they could even review it later? That would be so nice.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Humanity H2O - Book 1: Gubacsi Dulu... OUT NOW!

 Finally after many months of rejections... Gubacsi Dulu is PUBLISHED! Yes!

This is the first book in a new Sci-fi series and I'm already working on Book 3 and finishing off Book 2! This first book sets up the situation and starts the ball rolling. I don't want to give it all... so I won't. The story is written in one POV, that of a Police Officer, Karina Reif and her experiences after being left at Base when a case appears.

Paperback... (for those who love the smell and feel of the 'real' thing)

Ebook/Kindle...(for those on the bus...)