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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

White Privilege alive and well in Washington DC + Promo TWO is on! Gubacsi Dulu + Radnoti X #FREE

This week... TODAY... the 7th until the 9th (3 days), both Book 1 and Book 2 of Humanity H2O are FREE! Books 3 and 4 are still at $1.99 each, but think about it... $3.98 for FOUR books? That's less than a dollar per book (just) Remember that... the normal price is $1.99 each , and after the 25th, they'll all go up to $2.99... because something else is going to happen!

And then what happened? Trump Supporters stormed the Capitol building in Washington DC! And the Police response? Nothing! White Privilege much? If they were black (BLM!) they'd all be dead. And how many arrests? Wow... there were less bullets fired than for a broken tail-light! Trump also encouraged them on! I can't believe it... but then... yes, I can. 

I mean, Gubacsi Dulu got its 58th review/rating yesterday, a 2 star... someone who just couldn't get into the book, "too slow" for a trash reader.... why do Americans from the Southern States review my books? Leave them alone! These books are above your level! Where are the educated people?!? (See paragraph above)

So...Humanity H2O! Is there any hope? At all? Maybe there IS an answer...or not...

And yesterday, a couple of sales! Yes! THANK YOU, whoever you are! See what a little sale does?

...and in the same category, in the Bestsellers...
...I wonder what will happen in these next 3 days...? Last time Gubacsi Dulu was free, 1000+ ebooks went out... now? Who knows? A few? A lot? I'll keep you posted.

"Inimitable" - Dani J. Caile

I think I've just been given the greatest of compliments from a reader. My writing is 'inimitable.' Not able to be copied or equaled. Many people have tried to translate my work into another language... and failed. The 'way' I write is based in my language and my way of thinking. In order to translate it, you would have to be... me? Maybe I'll need to learn some languages, and then I'd be able to translate my own work...

Anyway. Back to reality!

This week... between the 7th and 9th (3 days), both Book 1 and Book 2 will be FREE! Remember that... the normal price is $1.99, but after the 25th, they'll go up to $2.99... because something else is going to happen!

But until then... Humanity H2O!

Monday, January 4, 2021

All 4 Humanity H2O series books now available!

 Yesterday went went, the pre-orders went out, there was a little KENP activity and also a sale of 'Farkas Alpha'! THANK YOU whoever you are... I never know. 

If only people would sign up to this blog and then I would know who is reading this, who should I send VERY important information to, like new releases, pre-orders, promos. I mean, I'd like to know who my readers are. Maybe I would change to meet their needs... more sci-fi, more fantasy, maybe romance... nah, maybe not that.

So, this week... between the 7th and 9th (3 days), both Book 1 and Book 2 will be FREE! Remember that... the normal price is $1.99, but after the 25th, they'll go up to $2.99... because something else is going to happen!

But until then... Humanity H2O!

Reif's Return is Published!

 Yes! Finally the fourth (and last) book of Humanity H2O is out!

Don't all rush and get it at once! No, really, go out and get it at once, then maybe I'll get another orange banner and such!

AND... from the 7th until the 9th of January, Books 1 and 2 will be FREE! Yes, free! Gubacsi Dulu and Radnoti X! Farkas Alpha will still be $1.99 but is that so much to ask for?

But hey! Today it's...

REIF'S RETURN! $1.99! Cheap but incredibly classy! And what a finish!

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Reif's Return - 1 day to go!

 One day to go and my sci-fi series is finally published. I hope that one day it'll be known as something 'different' than the usual 'shoot em up' alien invasion stuff out there.

Across the books I've added the problems we have in our society today and maybe more 'aware' readers will catch these. Otherwise it will suffer more morons with 1 and 2 star ratings. Whatever. It will be OUT THERE.

What can we do about our society? So many basic problems to solve... this 'politics' thing, you really believe that is the best way for us to go forwards? Anyway...

Reif's Return  (Book 4) - $1.99 on Amazon until 25 January 2021

Book 1 – Gubacsi Dulu – FREE on Amazon on the 7th until the 9th of January 2021

Book 2 – Radnoti X – FREE on Amazon from the 7th until the 9th of January 2021

Book 3 – Farkas Alpha – $1.99 on Amazon until 25 January 2021

ALL books FREE on Kindle Unlimited!

Humanity H2O!

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Reif's Return - 2 days to go! #ScienceFictionDay

I mentioned this yesterday, and probably many times before. I'm not a member of any 'authors review each other' club. Some time in the past I was able to get a few 'swap' reviews from other writers, but then when a few bailed out for the lamest excuses, ie. "I don't wanna read anything that goes against my God" kinda thing after me having to read a 20k word clone with 2000+ errors and no story, plot or purpose (and yet 50+ 5 star reviews), I stopped doing 'swaps'.

And very few friends and relatives give me reviews. Some do, and THANK YOU! I remember one relative wondering how this loser excuse of a human being could possibly be so preposterous as to think he could write a book! Even now I've heard nothing from this one. A few others have woken up but they still keep me compartmentalised as 'someone who won't succeed in anything.' A great family, two Master degrees and ten books later...(Trying leave something behind)

Humanity H2O... is my latest and best, I think. "How to" is fantastic as well, but I still haven't got round to writing the 3rd book yet, and I'll have to self-publish it, meaning I'll need control back from the first two. I wonder how that will go... Still some time to think about that one.

Can you feel it? I'm getting grouchy in my old age.

Humantity H2O!

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Reif's Return - 3 days to go! (The Negative effect of Cheapness)

My books are cheap. And the covers look cheap. That gives them a 'negative effect of cheapness', even though what's inside them is a whole lot 'richer' than your average sci-fi Amazon ebook with 100+ 5 star reviewers from dumbed-down readers and buddy-'wanna-be' authors.

Why are my books cheap? Because I would like people to read them - there are messages in them, you WILL understand them, you WILL feel them, and some people DON'T WANT TO, that's why the 1,2 and 3 star reviews happen. (No, they're because I'm a bad writer?? NO. I'm not the best, but I know how to write to get your own schemata out)

Why do my covers look cheap? Because I spent zero money on them because I don't have the capital to spend money on them. If I sold 1000s of books, I WOULD GET GOOD COVERS. But I don't, so I can't. Writing is a pleasure for me, but not (yet) a business and all my money goes to beating the dictator-led system we're living under. 

My books have always had 'The Negative Effect of Cheapness'. People think they're bad or worth nothing because of the cover and the price. People have a habit of putting more emphasis on the negative things in life. Sad.

An author friend recently asked me, "When's your new promo?" I said, "These are my promos! I keep the price down!" Maybe it's time to put the price up a little? Later I'll put them up a dollar like I did with my first series.

So, before that happens...

Pre-order Reif's Return now!

Or go buy them all! Humanity H2O!