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Monday, March 22, 2021

Farkas Alpha - a little KENP movement!

 And now, even more movement in Humanity H2O, some KENP for Farkas Alpha (THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE!), an extremely good book, I hope whoever is reading it will give the book its 10th rating (and a good one) :-) BUT it's the message of the book that counts... did it make the reader think or feel? 

And OF COURSE here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...

Saturday, March 20, 2021

A little movement + NEW BOOK!

There's a little movement in Humanity H2O, some KENP, and the 17th rating for Radnoti X... a 3 star... it's a good book, so... yeah, better than a 1 or a 2 star, but really, so long as it made the reader 'feel' something, that is what counts.

And here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...

Friday, March 19, 2021

New Book! UTSOTS!

Here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...

Working on the 2nd installment of the Bohatch Chronicles... going well!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Gubacsi Dulu - 3rd place in FREE downloads!

The 3rd Gubacsi Dulu FREE promo (for 2 days) went quite well, thank you to all who downloaded and recommended the book! It reached 3rd place in one of its three subcategories, which was cool!

Hopefully a few people will look at it and review/rate it (well), and perhaps even look at the rest of the series... AND my next new series!

Here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Gubacsi Dulu #FREE one more day (and maybe no more)

The second (and maybe LAST) day Gubacsi Dulu is FREE, to get some activity going on the reading/rating/reviewing front before I bring out any news from my new series 'The Bohatch Chronicles'.

Gubacsi Dulu still has 72 ratings/reviews. Let's see if we can reach 100! (Hopefully good ones, it's a good book!) Recommend it to friends and all those who like scifi and classy books! (No, it isn't an 'all-out-action' book, you need a little brain power for this one - but there is some action)

... and here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...

Gubacsi Dulu #FREE on the 16th + 17th March 2021!

 Yes, I'm making Gubacsi Dulu FREE again for a few days, to get some activity going on the reading/rating/reviewing front before I bring out any news from my new series 'The Bohatch Chronicles'.

Gubacsi Dulu has 72 ratings/reviews. Let's see if we can reach 100! (Hopefully good ones, it's a good book!) Recommend it to friends and all those who like scifi and classy books! (No, it isn't an 'all-out-action' book, you need a little brain power for this one - but there is some action)

... and here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Radnoti X- 16th rating - a 5 star!

This week has been a little look over the wall from the literary desert with a few ratings coming in and some activity from KENP: And yes... Radnoti X gets its 16th rating! And it's a 5 star! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE! 

Oh, and before I show how Radnoti X is doing with the ratings...

... here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...

So, where was I? Oh yes, Radnoti X, a fabulous book....that 1 star looks like someone doesn't like me or tried to kill the book. It was the 2nd rating, if I remember correctly. Some people... anyway! The new book! (see above)