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Sunday, May 9, 2021

An old interview.. but GREAT author pic!

Had a moment and quickly searched around and found this old interview I did. It's quite good! Especially the author pic! (reproduced here)...

That was a long time ago... in the 'How to' years... and then there was Humanity H2O...

And now my latest.. The Bohatch Chronicles, about the earlier years of Brent Bohatch, before Humanity H2O.

The first book, Under the Shade of the Sun, has a few reviews now...


And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the first draft is done, I'm now working through the second draft: editing, adding, changing.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)


80th rating for Gubacsi Dulu - a 5 star review!

 AND the 80th for Gubacsi Dulu! A 5 star! THANK YOU, JERRY K! Short bit sweet! Gubacsi Dulu still sits a 3.8 average. I guess I need another 10-20 5 star ratings in total to get that 4.1.

It's great to know the Humanity H2O series is still having some success! I just hope that little success can transfer onto the NEW series... The Bohatch Chronicles, about the earlier years of Brent Bohatch, before Humanity H2O.

The first book, Under the Shade of the Sun, has a few reviews now...


And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the first draft is done, I'm now working through the second draft: editing, adding, changing.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)


Saturday, May 8, 2021

10th rating for Reif's Return - a 5 star!

 Reif's Return now has TEN ratings! And the 10th is... a 5! Thank you Daniel J K! As he says it took a while for him to get into the series but he loved it by the end!

And now there's some activity on my latest...

The first book of The Bohatch Chronicles, Under the Shade of the Sun, has a few reviews now...


And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the first draft is done, I'm now working through the second draft: editing, adding, changing.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

Friday, May 7, 2021

79th Rating! 5 star for Gubacsi Dulu!

AND the 79th for Gubacsi Dulu! A 5 star! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE! 

It's great to know the Humanity H2O series has some success! I just hope that little success can transfer onto the NEW series... The Bohatch Chronicles, about the earlier years of Brent Bohatch, before Humanity H2O.

The first book, Under the Shade of the Sun, has a few reviews now...


And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the first draft is done, I'm now working through the second draft: editing, adding, changing.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

78th Rating - a 5 star! for Gubacsi Dulu!

 Yes! Another 5 star for Gubacsi Dulu! THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE! Every rating and review helps to get my books exposure. Without people appreciating my books and writing, it won't get anywhere! I try to make my books entertaining and yet make the reader question both what they read and how they feel about it.

You see, Gubacsi Dulu is still running at 3.8 average due to the low education and high prejudice of those who rated it 1 and 2 after getting it FOR FREE a long time ago - "It went right over my head!"... "Why aren't there spaceship fights on every page?" ... "What are these black squiggly things on the paper?" ... "Oh-oh, there's a mention of a vice in this book! I hate it!" ... "What is this? The main character develops throughout the story? NO! I want my main character a hero right from the start!"


The 2nd book "Slaughter Under the Bridge" of The Bohatch Chronicles IS coming, I've almost finished the first draft. 

You can PRE-ORDER here...ignore the August time, it'll probably be out in May/June.

And there probably will be a 3rd, just working out the main storyline.

BUT if you haven't read the FIRST, what are you doing????

Here it is!

Monday, May 3, 2021

Second book almost done! The Bohatch Chronicles Sci-Fi series

The 2nd book "Slaughter Under the Bridge" IS coming, I've almost finished the first draft. 

You can PRE-ORDER here...ignore the August time, it'll probably be out in May/June.

And there probably will be a 3rd, just working out the main storyline.

BUT if you haven't read the FIRST, what are you doing????

Here it is!

Friday, April 30, 2021

Farkas Alpha - 5 star review (13th rating!)

Farkas Alpha got its 13th rating/review... a 5 star! And the review is 'spot on'. I'm glad that readers are connecting the dots! THANK YOU DANIEL J. K.! (from Dani J. C.)

And still activity going on in KENP, a few readers having at go at the Humanity H2O sci-fi series.

You can find the series here...

Blog Newsflash: It got hit by Sweden yesterday. Usually it's Russia, or Romania, but this time Sweden. I never knew they had any BOTs. Strange...

AND yes, this part, AGAIN and AGAIN...and again... and again

I  NEED ONE MORE REVIEW on by the middle of May!
Can anybody help! ????
Here's the link it, recommend it, support my work because...

...YOU are CLEVER enough to read it and CAN UNDERSTAND it...

The 2nd book IS coming... and there probably will be a 3rd, more on that later... and another spin-off, and perhaps another... more on that later, too.