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Thursday, June 3, 2021

5 Star - 14th rating for Under the Shade of the Sun!

14th rating for my new book is in and it's a 5 star! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE, YOU UNNAMED SUPPORTER OF INDIE WRITERS!

That rating brought the book back to 4.1! Yes! 

AND... something strange happened with my ratings in Humanity H2O... someone took off their ratings for 3 books, and unfortunately, they were all 5 stars..., so back to 82,19 and 12 for the first three books. All I can think of is that either that person left or was banned from Amazon and so their ratings were deleted, or I said something which that person didn't like and so they took them off. Either way, this is sad. The latter is worse. 

Anyway, tomorrow is another day. So, please support an indie and buy Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th! Maybe there might be a 5th!


If you really like it, you can get it in HARDBACK too! (Humanity H2O now has Hardbacks!)

And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the second draft is done, I'm waiting on one Foreword and then I'll put it through the formatting.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

12th and 13th ratings - Under the Shade of the Sun

Not fantastic ratings coming in now, I have no idea what happened. No reviews, just ratings so they're an anonymous hit on the book: Trash Scifi Mafia? Trump Supporters into scifi? Retired nobrainers? No idea. The book needs to reach BETTER READERS. I've got it to reach READERS, but hey... really? My book ISN'T a 3 star and definitely NOT a 2 or 1.

So, please support an indie and buy Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th! Maybe there might be a 5th!


If you really like it, you can get it in HARDBACK too! (Humanity H2O now has Hardbacks!)

And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the second draft is done, I'm waiting on one Foreword and then I'll put it through the formatting.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

I already have the covers for the next 2 post.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Recommendation from Amazon... my book!

Got a recommendation from Amazon...

Well... it's my own book, but hey...

If you haven't got a copy, then you please could support an indie and buy Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th! Maybe there might be a 5th!

It's up to 13 ratings now, though the last 3 haven't been the best - actually the worst. If anyone could help with that, it would be AWESOME!


If you really like it, you can get it in HARDBACK too! (Humanity H2O now has Hardbacks!)

And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the second draft is done, I'm waiting on one Foreword and then I'll put it through the formatting.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

I'm also working on Books 3 and 4! It's getting interesting, oh yes it is...


Saturday, May 29, 2021

The problem with doing FREE promotions...

A free promotion is the chance to get a book to those readers who would love the book. It is not the chance for certain people to rate a good book down - was it the Trash Scifi Mafia, or some dumbass from Florida or Idaho/Ohio with the reading level of a 6 year old? Who knows? 

Anyway, if you got the book, please review! I put a lot of effort and brainpower into it, and I'm continuing to do so with the rest of the series (4 books). 

I don't really care about those who rate it down, only those who LOVED the book. And thankfully there are more of those than the idiots.

If you haven't got a copy, then you please could support an indie and buy Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th! Maybe there might be a 5th!


If you really like it, you can get it in HARDBACK too! (Humanity H2O now has Hardbacks!)

And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the second draft is done, I'm waiting on one Foreword and then I'll put it through the formatting.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

I'm also working on Books 3 and 4! It's getting interesting, extremely so...


Thursday, May 27, 2021

83rd rating for Gubacsi Dulu! 5 stars!

And the 83rd rating came for Gubacsi Dulu! And it's a 5 star! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE!


 Of course, my latest thing is Under the Shade of the Sun!

If you haven't got a copy, you could support an indie and buy Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th! Maybe there might be a 5th!


If you really like it, you can get it in HARDBACK too! (Humanity H2O now has Hardbacks!)

And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the second draft is done, I'm waiting on one Foreword and then I'll put it through the formatting.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

I'm also working on Books 3 and 4! It's getting interesting, extremely so...


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

10th + 11th rating! Under the Shade of the Sun!

  Under the Shade of the Sun got its 10th and 11th rating so fast yesterday, I couldn't keep up, but they were a 3 and a 4 star. I hope more (better) ratings come soon. A 3 star... unfortunately it was a rating, so no idea why. No feedback = no improvement on the product.


So, if you haven't got a copy, I apologise that you missed the promo, but you could support an indie and buy Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th! Maybe there might be a 5th!


If you really like it, you can get it in HARDBACK too! (I'm working on the first series for hardcovers)

And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the second draft is done, I'm now sending it out to my proofreader, and then my few Beta readers.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

9th rating and a 5 star! Under the Shade of the Sun

 Under the Shade of the Sun got its 9th rating, a 5 star! Thank you, whoever you are! A ton of free downloads went out last week, so hopefully some more ratings and reviews will appear.


So, if you haven't got a copy, I apologise that you missed the promo, but you could support an indie and buy Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th! Maybe there might be a 5th!


If you really like it, you can get it in HARDBACK too! (I'm working on the first series for hardcovers)

And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the second draft is done, I'm now sending it out to my proofreader, and then my few Beta readers.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)