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Thursday, June 24, 2021

KENP action for Slaughter!

Yesterday, a little action over on KENP...THANK YOU, whoever you are! These page reads keep me going, and I'm almost finished one of the two books left in the series.

AND... Slaughter has already been translated into Hungarian! It's at the proofreader right now. Once that's done, I will contact a publisher with the first two books of the series, see if they bite. 

Sooooooooooo...Please, come along and read, rate, review and recommend Slaughter (the 4 R's!). Please! Support an indie today! And tomorrow! Let's beat this monopolisation and 'dumbing down' of readers from the few big publishers! Put my books around.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

5 star review for Slaughter Under the Bridge!

Yes! A 5 star review from Daniel K for Slaughter Under the Bridge! THANK YOU, SIR! I hope there will be a few more coming in, reviews and ratings!

So please, come along and read, rate, review and recommend  it (the 4 R's!). Please! Pretty please with cherries on the top! Support an indie today!

Monday, June 21, 2021

Slaughter Under the Bridge - Available now!

Out now! Book 2 of The Bohatch Chronicles! Slaughter Under the Bridge!

Yep. I think that was it. 'Til next time! (Tomorrow, maybe)

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Slaughter Under the Bridge... coming out tomorrow!

I've been busy working on books 3 and 4 of my new series The Bohatch Chronicles and just noticed I hadn't posted in almost a week. Oh my. Did you miss me? Yeah, right. Who are you? Message me, comment, tell me who you are.

Someone is reading some KENP from the Humanity H2O series at the moment, too. THANK YOU! This lind of activity keeps me going. I hope whoever you people are enjoying what you're reading.

So, why am I here? Oh yes, if you feel like it, help out an indie and read Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! It now has 20 ratings! And pre-order the 2nd, maybe even the 3rd and 4th! (they'll come out earlier than it says, I just put a nice long time on it to make sure I don't break any Amazon rules).


Coming out tomorrow! (There are 3 typos... sorry, I can't change them until it's published...)

Monday, June 14, 2021

133 pages? Nope, 218!

I went over to Slaughter Under the Bridge Kindle page yesterday and it said the book was 133 pages long... what? It's 40,000+ words, a nice little read for two or three sittings, a piece of wonderful entertainment for your mind. It's 218 pages long. What was Amazon doing? I know some authors write 'books' which are only 50-70 pages long- now THAT isn't a book, but at least I try to do 200+ pages, a healthy read. Not a brick, not tissue-thickness, just a nice, easy read, seeing as what's inside could be a little heavy.

Anyway, so I messaged Amazon and within 2 hours... TWO HOURS... they replied and sorted it all out. These guys have a bad rap but they're cool, they'll do anything to help an author out.

So, if you feel like it, help out an indie and read Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! It now has 20 ratings! And pre-order the 2ndm now that you know how long it actually is! And pre-order for the 3rd and 4th!


Coming out in a week or two! You'll also be able to pre-order the 3rd and 4th now!

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Cover swaps AND FREE 14th and 15th June 2021! Under the Shade of the Sun!

Yep, FREE again for 2 days! 14th and 15th of June 2021.

And I've swapped the covers of book 2 and 3. It seems better now, a gradual transition from blue to yellow, the sun coming up over a planet. 

So, if you feel like it, join the party and support an indie and read Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! It now has 20 ratings! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th!


You can Pre-Order the 2nd here! (Coming out in a week or two! You'll also be able to pre-order the 3rd and 4th once the 2nd is out...)

Saturday, June 12, 2021

FREE again! 14th and 15th of June 2021! Shade!

Yep, FREE again for 2 days! 14th and 15th of June 2021. Why? Because working on a great book for 6 months is only pleasure for me and nothing to do with money, only to do with readership... uh-huh...  I'm trying out a few websites to see if they work. Yes, those websites which allow you to advertise once to have enough reviews and a 4+ average rating. Let's see how many people see them and download the book.

So, if you feel like it, join the party and support an indie and read Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! It now has 20 ratings! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th!


You can Pre-Order the 2nd here! (Coming out in a week or two! You'll also be able to pre-order the 3rd and 4th once the 2nd is out...)