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Monday, August 23, 2021

5 star review! 32nd rating for Shade!

 As I move back into the Amazon desert of self-publishing, just a look at the 32nd rating (and review) of Shade! THANK YOU MR. BILL!

I'm working on book 3 at the moment, and it won't be long before it's out. Maybe I'll come out of the desert once again for a brief moment with a few sales and KENP. Anything can happen...

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Strange Titles in New Releases - Killing the Orange Banner

 I've had a little activity with my Pre-Orders recently, so I went to check on their Amazon ratings in 'New Releases' in their subcaterogies. Check out the Children's Steampunk Books New Releases!

Yeah, No.6... but hang on... what's this? SIX out of the Top 8 aren't Steampunk at all, they're 'self-help'/self-awareness/religious/Spanish books... what's going on? My book would be No.2 if they weren't there. Amazon has kinda lost track of this subcategory. How can I ever get the Wonderful Orange Banner if books which are CLEARLY not in the subcategory are there? Is this a publisher/writer trying to get a 'Bestseller' tag? Or a clerical mistake? I've written to Amazon, but who knows?

Anayway! It was a great week for KENP! THANK YOU ALL! Please, recommend my books!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

More Crazy Days on KENP! (Canada!)

 Yes, thank you to Colin in the UK for reading ALL the books  on KENP AND reviewing! Here's his review of Humanity H2O (4 books in 1).

And now someone from Canada has done the same, read ALL the books on KENP! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE!

Book 3 is beginning to take shape... okay I'm on Chapter 3 but hey!

Monday, August 16, 2021

Crazy Days with Humanity H2O! (KENP)

I seem to have a few fans in the UK and Canada, lapping up my Humanity H2O (4 books in 1)! THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE! Maybe they're relatives, maybe I know them, maybe I don't, but the pages read is quite crazy. Keep it up! ...unfortunately, there is an end to the 4 books... but maybe whoever is reading them will recommend them!

AND... book 3 of The Bohatch Chronicles... I've started it. Many questions will be answered, many mysteries will begin...

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Update! Book 3 is coming!

Yeah....! Some day... I dunno when...

I've been a bit quiet recently. Busy. So. Busy. AND... KENP and sales have been rolling along thanks  to a few of you! THANK YOU!

So... I'll post again soon... but for now... RECOMMEND TO FRIENDS! If you have no friends, jump on people in the street... okay, maybe wear a mask...

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

4th review/rating for Slaughter!

 And it's a 5 star review from Colin! Thank you, sir! Looks like I have another fan!

You know, it's the readers who make the books successful, not the writer... that strange person only creates the raw product but the readers choose whether it has a future by adding reviews and ratings. Oh, and reading the stuff! Please, keep reading, recommending. Maybe one day... who knows?

Monday, August 2, 2021

Still Alive! 30th Rating for Shade!

 Thank you, Colin for the 4 star review, which brings Shade to 30 ratings! Nice words!

KENP is still alive and people are reading Shade and others. This activity helps me realise that there are people out there willing to give an independent author time and energy! 3 is coming, I promise!

Come and find my work on Amazon! Keep DJC alive! Thank you!