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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Smashwords Freebies... the place is dead

 It's official. No one downloaded a single book of mine for a month on Smashwords. Wow. I remember when I was getting 100+ downloads a month. And now...

All of them are great. Let's do a run-down as to what's there...

TDX2 (Too Dull to Die) - [novella] - about a guy who dies but hasn't done anything (remake of A Christmas Carol)

Alice on the Outside-In - [novella] - a celebration of Alice in Wonderland but inside a computer

All For Love - [novella] - I actually got this published once, sold a few - about how we perceive 'love' in this society - okay, it's a 'murder mystery', that too - and it's written in code with a hidden message for anyone interested

Blue Haze - [novella] - a futuristic society (or is it?) told in the POV of a young boy

Dani's Shorts (1-8) - [short stories] - 8 collections of short stories based on given 'elements'

So, there's a lot to read if you're interested. There are people who like these. Really. In fact, some English teachers have created lessons from them! Anyway... back to book 3...

Saturday, September 11, 2021

85th rating of Gubacsi Dulu (5 star!)

 After that little freebie promo, I finally got the 85th rating of Gubacsi Dulu... a 5 star! Thank you, whoever you are!

And I also got a sale of Slaughter! It's a bit thin on ratings and reviews, but it has a good average rating!

And I'm slowly working on the next book... if you'd like to preorder, just hope onto the link above and go find it! 

Thank you all for your support so far! One day...

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Working on Ascension Under the Stars (book 3) - 25% done

 Now I'm DEEP into the Amazon desert... nothing is happening anywhere. I should be used to it, I had YEARS in this desert, and now I can't last 2 weeks!

Anyway, 25% done, and it's going well. I should have a first draft in a month... hopefully.

If you happen to pass by someone in the street, grab them (wear a mask and gloves) and whisper in their ear "Humanity H2O by Dani J Caile. Go and read it. Otherwise you will live in tyranny your whole life."

Okay? Off you go...

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Working on Ascension Under the Stars (book 3)

 December seems so far away, but it isn't when you've placed a deadline on writing a book! So, wrote a few chapters today. It's going well.

As for sales and KENP, it's gone a bit quiet. I did, however, get another 5 star rating in Canada for Humanity H2O, which is nice!

So... if anyone could recommend my work, that would be nice! 

It's all nice at the moment...

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Yes, Gubacsi Dulu is FREE again (again)

 Not many readers taking a free Gubacsi Dulu... there are thousands out there, but I need to break into the BIG market somehow. If you have a friend or two who likes a good read, show them the link! If you have a friend who knows a good thing when they see it (read it), show them the link!

Still working on book 3 of the Bohatch Chronicles... it's going to be a long, hard, slog.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Gubacsi Dulu FREE AGAIN!

 To try and get out of the desert, I've made Gubacsi Dulu FREE again from Saturday til Monday (3 days). Maybe someone will take it and read it, who knows? Join the thousands who've downloaded it! Yes, thousands.

Anyway, here's the link... maybe recommend it to a friend!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Begging works...

 Yep, I tweeted, asking someone to buy my book because I was now in the Amazon Self-Publisher desert, or something like that and BOOM! someone bought Humanity H2O (4 books in 1)! Maybe I should've updated that ebook before sending out the tweet... one day I'll update the 3 or 4 typos found.

So, I'm writing book 3 of the Bohatch Chronicles now, it's coming into shape (in my head, anyway).

If you wanna catch up, as so many readers have so far, go find me on Amazon! I'm there... yes! I am...