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Monday, January 3, 2022

Nicolas Cage - Prisoner of the Ghostland...

Before I tackle 'Don't Look Up' (see my tweets on Twitter... such a great movie), I'd like to rant a little about Prisoner of the Ghostland, Nicolas Cage's 2021 effort.

Sure, everyone can remember Conair (1997), that was great in a 'gung ho' kinda way, and even Raising Arizona (1987). Can you remember The Weatherman (2005)? I thought that was thought-provoking. I went through a spate of watching Cage movies, they had a certain 'charm'. But then, one after another, typecast or otherwise, they got really bad. The National Treasure films were fun, if nothing else. But this latest? Prisoner of the Ghostland? It rivals Bruce Willis' latest efforts. Damn, it's not right. Go and see... no, on second thoughts, don't. Take my word for it. I've seen movies worth watching with Cage in them. This isn't one of them, no matter how many people try to say how 'bizarre' it is - it's not, it's just bad.

Update: For anyone interested, there's some kind of preacher in Ghostland, and I think he's reading passages from Wuthering Heights. Also, to put a neon sign saying 'Crazy' on the front of a truck that doesn't actually go anywhere to try and show how 'crazy' everything is, well... just isn't crazy.

...rant over...

Back to the books.... there's STILL some movement on KENP! THANK YOU!

In the meantime, if you'd like to see what all the fuss is about, Humanity H2O is here...

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New Year! (A sale!)

Happy New Year!

And a sale on the first day of the year! Can only be a good thing. THANK YOU, whoever you are!

And also some movement on KENP! 

Which means I must have a go at completing this next book/series. It should be a good one, whether only one book or a series!

In the meantime, if you'd like to see what all the fuss is about, Humanity H2O is here...

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

EVEN MORE KENP read! #KindleUnlimited

And ANOTHER big THANK YOU to whoever is reading my books from The Bohatch Chronicles (in... Canada... there's another 5 star rating there, too, thank you)! It's your reading which makes me continue on, so if anyone asks, you're to blame!

I'm starting to make some progress on the next book/series at the moment. It should be a good one, whether only one book or a series!

In the meantime, if you'd like to see what all the fuss is about, Humanity H2O is here...

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Monday, December 27, 2021

More KENP read! THANK YOU!

THANK YOU to whoever is reading my books from The Bohatch Chronicles! It's your reading which makes me go on!

I'm working on the next book/series at the moment. It might take a while but it'll be a good one!

In the meantime, if you'd like to see what all the fuss is about, Humanity H2O is here...

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Friday, December 24, 2021

The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Review! *PART SPOILER*

 Another rant... this time... The Matrix Resurrections (2021)!!!

I loved the original Matrix AND the two other movies which followed. Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss were MADE for that type of film. The ideas, the special effects (Bullet Time was revolutionary at the time), and the acting were spot on.

Then I heard they were making a fourth film. WOW! I waited...

And I finally got to see it. Well... what can you do with this?

*PART SPOLIER* - I won't give much away.

The first hour tries to 'reset' the scenario, Neo is stuck in the matrix with psychological problems - we all are - and Trinity only has an inkling something isn't right.

Then it starts to feel like the original trilogy, though for myself only Reeves and Moss are strong. Neil Patrick Harris... I always expect him to start singing and dancing. 

And the end? Kinda feels like the first movie... but as I tweeted earlier... it's a sci-fi Hallmark Middle-aged Looking forward to what they can do with it. I'm sure there'll be another film.

Anyway, enough ranting...

...if you'd like to see what all the fuss is about, Humanity H2O is here...

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Bruce Willis! What's going on?!?

Yep, a rant about Bruce Willis!

When I first saw Bruce Willis in Moonlighting, I knew this guy was for bigger things. Then he got into movies and he had some GREAT movies, including the Die Hard franchise (except the last one). The great movies just seem to pile up. Today I went to a list on Wiki to see how many there really were...( 

So MANY films and SO many great ones! But now... 2021... there are 7 movies there. I've watched most of them. They're all terrible. Not just the story, the plot, the effects, the cast, the dialogue, but also Bruce! What's going on with Bruce?!?

Then I checked the whole list, to find where it all went wrong. He started to get a bit wobbly (his acting) after The Astronaut Farmer (a great film) back in 2006 and really hasn't created anything of substance since then. Sure, there's Glass in 2019, but even his role in that seems 'off'. Without the other actors in that film, it would be a rotten tomato. Before 2006, there were some 'okay' acting parts, but you could say that the last good, solid one was Unbreakable in 2000. Tears of the Sun (2003)... no range but almost believable, and Sin City (2005)'s 'pulp', it's meant to be tacky... are passable. Red (2010) and its sequel, seem to be parodies of his earlier tough guy roles, but actually Red is a damn good film... BUT again, saved by the other actors. The fourth Die Hard movie (Live Free or Die Hard) still brings out something in Bruce, but his part in The Expendables films are... expendable.

I enjoy Armaggedon every time I see it. I like watching Live Free or Die Hard when I see it on the TV. And 12 Monkeys is always fun to catch.

But this year's selection? Bruce, please, whatever you're drinking, be it Hell or that other new stuff, put it down and find your old self! I'd love to watch a good 'ol Bruce Willis movie again!

Anyway, enough ranting...

...if you'd like to see what all the fuss is about, Humanity H2O is here...

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Monday, December 20, 2021

THREE 5 star ratings for Humanity H2O! #scifi

 I'm usually quite good at noticing these things, but somehow, three...THREE 5 ratings appeared on 3 of the 4 books of Humanity H2O

This is fantastic! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE! ...though it does make me question what happened with Radnoti X, book 2, quite a strong book, that one.

Anyway, if you'd like to see what all the fuss is about, Humanity H2O is here...

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...