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Saturday, May 19, 2012

First Interview :-)

My first online interview!!

Writing is a lexical illness?

Writing feels like some lexical illness. An idea comes, I write it down, and another idea pops into my head when I'm away from my keyboard. Then I have to write it down, add it to the rest. After that I re-read and re-write. Then another idea comes into my head and I think 'wow' where did that come from? And I write it down.
16000 words and growing...:-)

Friday, May 18, 2012

1000 words a day

How to write? Put your fingers on the buttons and press. Hopefully the presses make words which make sentences.
1. Have a theme / idea / point to make
2. Brainstorm and 'flesh out' some of your ideas
3. Look at what you have and make a skeleton storyboard
4. Write write write
5. Rewrite rewrite rewrite
6. Complete :-)
So I'm in the '1000 words a day' stage 4. It's great to see the scenes appear, ideas pop out, characters grow and change. Today, the main character found out that 'humans bred out intelligence in favour of good looks' millions of years ago. And also some information about dolphins :-)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Books available on!

Well, it didn't take 5-7 business working days, it took a few hours.
Man by a tree £5.95 (free postage in the UK with Super Saver Delivery)
Bethlehem Fiasco £6.75 (free postage in the UK with Super Saver Delivery) 
This is much cheaper than it was before, it cost about  £14 from the USA to anywhere in Europe.
Maybe I'll get a few more sales...:-)
Still not available on the other European Amazon sites, but at least and are available now :-)

Amazon Europe!!

Createspace just made Amazon Europe available for distribution and buying!
That means my books will be printed and sent out in the UK and Europe, instead of just the USA. That will cut down the time and postage costs!
Amazon Europe includes...,,,, and
So if you live in the UK or Europe (and the USA of course), you can get my books quicker and cheaper! 
I've already cut the prices of my books down to a bare minimum. 
I'd like my books to be available to be read!
It's better to be 'read' than dead.
I don't know when these websites will actually allow people to buy, probably in a few days. It's not like there's a rush...
No, it says 5-7 business days, so I'll keep you posted :-)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Punctuation is important

It's hilarious...
"An amazing story. The sentences go from long to short. A lovely use of comma's and some of the most refreshing full stops I've ever seen." Leon Gower (authonomy)
Seriously, in good poetry, punctuation is so important.
Watch this clip from the movie 'Wit', talking about John Donne's 'Death be not proud', my favourite piece of poetry, I've gotta say.

1st comments on 3rd book

Got my 1st real comment about 'The Rage of Atlantis' today. Here it is...

"It's a Flash Gordon meets water-world, action packed and fast paced story. You could improve it further with more descriptions and an edit to make it even sharper but nothing too radical needed. If it's aimed at the young adult market then I think you have pretty much nailed it." Karen K(authonomy)

I don't know about descriptions, I like the reader to imagine what things look like, to give them room to breathe.
...and while waiting to see whether my daughter had broken her ankle or not, I wrote up the 'skeleton' storyline of the rest of the book. Will be tricky to write but well worth the journey.
Hang on a minute...a 2nd comment!

"Reading your work I can't help but think of a comic book. (and i love comic books) Have you considered teaming up with an artist who needs a solid script and story line? This could make for an excellent series. you've got a good idea and clear vision. Heck I'd buy it." Leon Gower (authonomy)

You see? There are some people out there who can see it. It's so fantastic to know that my writing can get through, that people can see what I'm trying to do here. Hope you do too :-)