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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

'Rage of Atlantis' review!

Got a review of my 3rd book 'Rage of Atlantis' on!
See! Definitely one for the boys!

5.0 out of 5 stars A serious detective story with a twist of parody, October 14, 2012
by zoltang

This review is from: The Rage of Atlantis (Paperback)
The latest effort from Dani is an interesting book. It melts a detective story with parody and very serious issues, creating a coherent style which you should be familiar with from the other two books in the series.
The well executed detective storyline pulls you in the center of the events and makes the book difficult to put down. All the while some very serious issues are brought up which eerily remind us of the world we are currently living in. But don't worry, the sometimes dark themes are well balanced with elements of parody so reading is a joy. If you enjoyed this book be sure to check out the other two from the series. And let's hope we can learn from our mistakes and not repeat the events of The Rage of Atlantis.

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