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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

TIW Final - Day 5

Well, a surprise in the morning, Don got 55 votes in 30 minutes from 11.45pm to 00.15am my time.
He's doing it again. He did it to me in the Autumn Final, getting blocks of 55 votes from 'somewhere' in a very quick time. This time his votes started at 47 (unfortunately I don't have a screenshot of any of this, I mean, how can you plan to 'watch' something like that) and finished on 30 minutes.
There was also a flurry of votes at around 6pm today, both Steve and Don gaining ground on me :-(
Now I'm only 9 ahead...
Today I tried to get more votes but for me the place is 'dry' are the votes after Day 5...(20.00 20th May 2014)

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