...you have to get to the 1st comment, then read down. At first we took it easy, 4/5 words each, then we took half sentences, until the story was done! It's a rather strange little story, but worth the outing, and the reading.
Congrats to Mathew, for 3 hours of coming back with the goods! :-)
Herer's the same on his own blog...I think excellently presented :-)
The Cat and the Monkey (12 June 2013)
Mathew W. Weaver:shared Animal Advocates's photo.
True enough!

Dani: There was this cat...
Mathew:... which
lived all alone...
Dani: ...in a
little white...
It's neighbor....
Dani: a grouchy,
diseased and...
monkey with a bad case of rabies....
Dani: ...loved to
howl and screech...
Mathew:... at odd
hours during the afternoon.
Dani: Well, this
cat decided that...
was enough, and...
Dani: ...in one
odd moment when...
Mathew:... the
monkey was having guests over....
Dani: ...he leapt
up onto the fence which separated...
garden from the swimming pool, and...
Dani: marked the
area for all to smell. Unfortunately, the water...
formerly a beautiful shade of deep blue...
Dani: ...now
turned to a dirty shade of yellow.
monkey, in the process of...
Dani: creaming
his butt for the infamous...
Cherished Chimpanzee maneuver, which also involved...
Dani: squeezing
his testicles in a banana vice...
Mathew:... and
yodeling in as high pitched a voice as possible...
Dani: ...stopped
in his tracks when the guests noticed...
Mathew:... that
there was now a palpable change in odor...
Dani: ...and an
oily viscosity to the water,
by a faintly noxious cloud of green.
Dani: The way
that monkey somersaulted...
Mathew:... with
the poise and agility of a gymnast and...
Dani: ...no hint
of the 23 years in urethral sling surgery which blighted his blossoming career
Mathew:... an
acrobatic pianist at the local circus, he...
Dani: ...could've
won Gold at the local Prosthetic...
...Amazing Aeronautical Ape Competition, that also happened to feature...
Dani: …..the Stupendous Russian Poodles of Kiev and their...
Mathew:... lesser
known counterparts, the Roaring Rottweilers of Romania.
Dani: With a
flick and fling, the monkey landed...
Mathew:... with
grandeur on the tiles beside the pool, but...
...unbeknown to his little brain, the cat had already covered them with...
Mathew:... litty
itty bits of hairballs that he had torn to pieces just so.
Dani: The
monkey's guests looked on as their host suffered the most hilarious bout of
Mathew:... as his
legs scrambled wildly and yet he stayed in one place. His mouth open in a yodel
of protest...
Dani: ...,to the
surprise of all who were there to witness it,..
Mathew:... he
managed to miraculously regain his balance. He grabbed the fence, and let out a
sigh of relief. But that, however, was before...
Dani: ...the cat
had enacted his "piece de resistance", the 'claws in...
sensitive area' maneuver. The onlookers raised paws to their mouths as...
Dani: the sound
of ripping flesh intruded on their as yet unperturbed sanity of mind.
Mathew:With a
final shriek of defiance, the monkey lurched backwards...
Dani: ...,bananas
and nuts filling the air, splashing into the yellow, viscous cloudlike pool,
leaving the poor creature with nothing more than...
Mathew:...a tuft
of hair around the back of his ears. Enraged at the loss of his once luxurious
fur, he lunged...
Dani: ...towards
the cat, tripped on his own Fatty Patty inflatable jumbo love doll he'd
prepared for the second attraction of the day and...
Mathew:... landed
on his now bare skinned belly. The momentum of that fall slid him backwards,
limbs flaying, right into the pool. The splash...
Dani: of the
thick yellow/green soup within the pool, unnaturally defying gravity as it
slunk through the air, ...
all onlookers, doused any and everything unprotected. The cat, untouched as a
cat always is, leaped onto the fence once more to survey the damage. Satisfied that
the task was done, he left, victorious and proud.
Dani: (bows)
That was hilarious!
ReplyDeleteThat's so Awesome! :D