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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu ...two more 5 stars AND a FANTASTIC review!

 Now there are 27 ratings and 16 reviews for Gubacsi Dulu! Collecting them well, I'm really pleased that people were able to grab it when it was free and also able to read it through KENP AND of course the sales!

Today I received a 5 star rating internationally (thank you!)... and then!!! another 5 star on WITH a FANTASTIC review! Looks like Mr. R. Adkins 'got' it! Thank you, sir! Read this, he kinda gives the story away but what a great summary! Maybe the next 5 star rating will make the book hit 4.0 out of 5 (due to those poor souls who didn't 'get' it)...

It's still there, waiting for your opinion, rating, review...

And the next books are on their way!

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