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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Shade's 55th rating... a review!

 And... there was a review with the 55th rating... thank you, Wraptor! I am grateful to you for bringing me out of my cave to write this blog post.

Yes, it is Starship Troopers, because if there was life out there, it would most probably be bugs. But there are different bugs... AND there's something else going on under the story of the bugs. The bugs are just a cover for the real story of humanity's corruption. They are there to entertain until you can become aware of what is really happening. Are you aware? Are you lost in your distractions? Can you 'see' the reality of your situation? Anyway...

If you have the time, please come and read my books. You might be surprised by what they find. Or not.

Gubasci Dulu...

Under the Shade of the Sun...




Sunday, June 4, 2023

The Second 55th rating of 'Shade'!

AND... Shade is back to 55 ratings! Thank you! Looks like it was a 4 star, so thank you, whoever you are. How about reading the next three books? Nothing much else is happening except keeping up with the reading/watching.

Anyway... yes, I'm still writing Number two of Marika's Quest.

If you have the time, please tell someone to come and read my books. They might be surprised by what they find.

Gubasci Dulu...

Under the Shade of the Sun...



Tuesday, May 23, 2023

New Ratings across Amazon!

Just had a look at my back catalogue and those novels seemed to have picked up a few ratings, Man By a Tree, Rage of Atlantis, Manna-X... and I've also JUST noticed a 5 star review for the paperback version of Six More Fantastic Short Stories No One Give a F#ck About... no idea on the other ratings, though, whether they were 2,3,4 or 5. But it's movement. AND In the Midst of Fools' ratings amalgamated to create 4 ratings (two 5s and two 4s).

Yes, still writing Number two.

If you have the time, please tell someone to come and read my books. They might be surprised by what they find.

Gubasci Dulu...

Under the Shade of the Sun...



Sunday, May 21, 2023

New Reader! Come back...!

This week someone read a few pages of Shade! Thank you, whoever you are! And then... they disappeared... come back, all is forgiven... maybe.

So... still working on the 2nd part of the Marika series. Trying to make it as entertaining and yet educational as possible while building character development. In the Midst left Marika a bit up in the air as for character development, was she weak, strong, domineering, just a slave to system...? Well, the 2nd part brings it all to a head. The 3rd and 4th is where she makes amends. But I need more time.

And if YOU have the time, please come and read my books. You might be surprised by what you find.

Gubasci Dulu...

Under the Shade of the Sun...


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

5 star review for Midst of Fools!

Got a 5 star review from one of my regular readers. Thank you! Yes, books are meant to create some brain activity, along with some entertainment. 

It's always nice to get a review. And a rating. And some pages read...


Still working on Number 2...

Anyway, if you do have the time, please come and read my books. You might be surprised by what you find.

Gubasci Dulu...

Under the Shade of the Sun...


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The BOTs are back... from the USA!

Yep, since the beginning of May, this blog has been hit by what I can only assume as BOTs, considering the number. It can't be real people, I don't have any sales activity or anything. Sad, really. If this amount of movement was real, I'd be getting myself a name.

Started writing again after months of proofreading. I'll have to pause again soon, but at least I've put a few more words to the document. 

Anyway, if you do have the time, please come and read my books. You might be surprised by what you find.

Gubasci Dulu...

Under the Shade of the Sun...

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Much Ado About Nothing... no really...

Not much happening other than Shade losing a 5 star rating... as an unknown indie author, these things hurt, losing ratings, Amazon not putting up reviews you know someone has written, readers rating your book for the cover and not what's inside, or giving a bad review/rating because there are 'drugs' in the book - as if there aren't any in their own lives (prescribed drugs, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, whatever they put in the water..., etc.) - drugs have been a part of society since the first sentient dawn. Maybe they were the spark which brought it on...

I feel it is getting time to dig into Marika's second book, Among the Monkeys of Many Colors, if not for the need of exposure (definitely not sales or reviews/ratings) but for sanity. Time is always ticking.

Anyway, if you do have the time, please come and read my books. You might be surprised by what you find.

Gubasci Dulu...

Under the Shade of the Sun...