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Monday, February 10, 2025

Back on the Writing track: Marika part 2

Today I had a look at the second book in the Marika series. I've rewritten the first three chapters and it's looking good. I don't know how long I can go on with this but I will see. Perhaps I can finish it this time!

Anyway, if you STILL haven't had the joy of reading the first book yet, why not buy it in paperback with the NEW COVER! I've had some sales!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Another New Reader! Oct 2024!

And another new reader! If I keep this up, I'll have about a dozen new readers by the end of the year... yep, slow times. But hey, THANK YOU whoever you are! 

Still proofreading and editing, always dreaming of finishing that last sci-fi series, but just sooooo busy.

And the story? It can be found here...!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

New Reader! Yeah!

Things are kinda picking up again. I seem to have collected a new reader, quite possibly someone who bought the new paperback and decided they couldn't wait for the new covers to read the story. Good on ya, whoever you may be!
And the story can be found here...!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Gubacsi Dulu NEW COVER for paperback

Yes, Line by Lion Publications have brought out a NEW COVER in paperback for Gubacsi Dulu!

It's a fantastic cover by Thomas Lamkin Jr. and as the months go by I'm sure I'll see the whole series come through (he's working on it).

Anyway, if you STILL haven't had the joy of reading the book yet, why not buy it in paperback with the NEW COVER!

'Pants'! How to Build a Castle... Amazon, huh?

 I just had a quick look at my Amazon page, and the thumbnails included this...

Well... yeah, some said the book was 'pants' but this is a bit harsh from Amazon.

Going down the page, the original fantastic cover is there, but if you click on the thumbnail. you get 3 pictures of the blue shorts.

So I did an image search, and the 'exact searches' were...

I think Amazon made a little mistake somewhere. I asked the publisher and they said it's now their 4th book Amazon have done that to. This just ain't right. Struggling authors such as myself, with images of blue shorts running around the internet... actually, they look pretty good, I might get myself a pair...

Here's the REAL cover of the book, by the way. Better than blue shorts.

Monday, July 29, 2024

A Sale! "Slaughter Under the Bridge" (B.C. book 2)

...and I didn't even know it. A sale! From last week!

Thank you, whoever you are! Another copy of "Slaughter Under the Bridge" is out there, somewhere...

Sales have been sparse since those times of the lockdown. Those were the 'golden years' for indie authors, I guess, a time when people would spend a few bucks on something different, something new. But now... back to the ol' same ol' same ol' Amazon desert, where the winds blows and the sand covers any proof of movement forwards...

Getting new covers for the Humanity H2O series! Once it's published by Pixel & Pens, I'll put it up here!

Until then...links to the sci-fi series!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Smashwords books moved to Draft2Digital

 It happened a while ago, but I've been waiting for them to create a link for my 'page', but... nothing.

So, here's a link to one of my FREE books, 'All for Love', a novella written some time ago.

There are nine other booksavailable but... still looking for an 'author' link...