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Sunday, February 28, 2021

New Book + 70th Gubacsi Dulu rating!

A milestone. Gubacsi Dulu reaches its 70th rating... and review. It's a 3 star, but the reviewer seems to be in two minds about it, neither liking nor disliking the book. Says more about him than the book... I wonder if he'll go on with the series? Probably not. I seem to be dealing with 'single' readers now, not like a dozen or so at once. Never mind. I know the literary desert so well.

I HAVE a NEW book out. My Beta readers say it's even better than Humanity H2O, book 1 of The Bohatch Chronicles, "Under the Shade of the Sun"...there may be a 2nd, or 3rd but no more. And by the response so far, that's about right. 

It's based in the same universe as Humanity H2O but 25 years earlier, and has SO MANY references to war and scifi movies that I've enjoyed through the years. I've used famous quotes throughout the book (changed a little to fit the situation).

And, of course, Humanity H2O is still available! 

Humanity H2O! (the singles)

Humanity H2O (together as one)

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