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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

One more rating for Gubacsi Dulu

Gubacsi Dulu has now started on its next set of 50 ratings (ha!), the 51st, and it's a 4 star! (Which is the new 5 star, said nobody). The average is still under 4, so my future options for advertising are limited :-( But these reviews and ratings show a certain reality of broad views than any other book in the genre... I wonder why? Probably because... [censored] 

Anyway, here's Gubacsi Dulu's ratings! Thank you to ALL those who have rated and especially reviewed the book! I hope more will join and give their honest opinion.

Every review and rating matters for the books (and sale, don't forget sale), for myself and for the future, unknown readers! How are they meant to know what the book is like unless someone tells them! 

But every new review and rating is frightening. I have no idea when they are coming, where, or what the opinion will be! 95% of my reviews/ratings are from absolute strangers!

So, Humanity H2O! My blood is on those pages!

Sales Continue! :-) Reif's Return going well!

It's mainly been a quiet week of writing Book 4, 'Reif's Return', but Gubacsi Dulu received its 50th rating, and I had a few sales of both Radnoti X and Farkas Alpha... yeah! I'm happy about that. And I'm positive that I have a reader in Japan, who has bought the first three books! I hope they continue on until the last, I'm having so much fun writing it! My Beta readers are killing themselves from curiosity to find out what's inside!

It'll probably come out earlier than February the 8th.

Pre-order 'Reif's Return'!!!

...or come and get the others :-)

Monday, December 14, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu... 50th rating! 4 stars... good for me!

 And it has finally happened! Another first! Gubacsi Dulu has now received 50 ratings! And it's a good one, 4 stars! Thank you, whoever you are!

I can't say it enough, this sci-fi series has really created some fantastic 'firsts' for me, and I'm wondering what could be the next? Finishing the 4th in the series would be good too... halfway, working on the next half. It's going to be one hell of a book. Of course, it might break some heads, but that's what good literature does!

So...Humanity H2O! Will we find a way?

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Still moving on! Humanity H2O!

 A little bit of activity going on these last few days. A sale, some KENP read, and I almost put myself down for an interview with another author... until I realised it was just a scam to collect email addresses, and then I'd get yet another email every day asking me to buy/vote/read something. I used to bombard people on Facebook with that kind of stuff, but now I realise that gets you nowhere fast. Find a place where they want what you're giving, and stick with it. Unfortunately, I still haven't found that place...LOL.

And haven't you realised that there are a TON of sci-fi authors (supposedly 'published' authors who actually self-publish) who have a suspiciously high number of 5 and 4 star reviews/ratings? Mmm... when I look at my reviews/ratings, I wonder why I have a suspiciously high number of 1 and 2 star ratings/reviews? Mmmm

Anyway... Humanity H2O! You know the score! Recommend, read, review!

New Anthology is out! "Worth 1,000 Words: 101 Flash Fiction Stories by 101 Authors"

The fourth collaboration with Jason Brick is out! (Actually, it's been out for a few days, I just didn't see it)

It has 101 stories by 101 authors, one only a few words long, while most 1000. Mine, if you remember, is called "Reflections on a Comfortable Life"...yes, it's now published for many to see!

The other stories are a wide variety of genre and styles, I'm sure there's something inside for everyone!


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Two 5 star ratings!!! (1 for Gubacsi Dulu, 1 for Radnoti X)

 Yesterday I think a reader decided to rate the first two books of Humanity H2O, and they gave them two 5 star ratings! Thank you, kind reader that you are! ...whoever you are...!

So, Gubacsi Dulu is at 49 ratings, one off 50! And the more ratings for Radnoti X, the better! 

I must say, after a few days of inactivity on the sales/KENP front, they came at a good time, to energise me to keep going with Book 4 (Reif's Return). It's going well, almost at half-way with the first draft. There's still quite a bit of thinking to go into the book, but I'm putting all I have into it.

Recommend it to all! Humanity H2O!

Friday, December 11, 2020

How Men Write Women...part 2

I just remembered a time when I was first starting out, back in 2011 and I was a member of a long forgotten author trash-pile website, and I made a few acquaintances. One of them was some historical fiction writer, a woman from New Zealand who could write pretty well, though sometimes her ideas and structure went awry. We helped each other with a little reading and editing. Anyhow, it came to a point when she was discussing men and how they have overpowered women and taken over society, and I agreed, and then she went on a rant about hating men, etc. and I replied, "Well, as a man, I agree with most of what you're saying..." And that was it. Three months of communication and... gone. No contact, nothing. She was gone. Even her work on the website disappeared. It was a shame because some of her work was excellent. And all it took was one variable of reality. What if I'd said I was gay, or black, or an alien, or even a Trump supporter (Trump was still a loser back then, too, living off his cons and lies). What trigger would send anyone into the abyss?

Anyway, people have problems and rather than deal with them, which would mean to think and suffer to be a better person, they find it easier to find a more comfortable way, to deny, ignore or retaliate against whatever it is and continue on... without change.

So, would you like to change? Humanity H2O can help you...if you let it.