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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Gubacsi Dulu - 72nd rating - 5 star!

And it's almost the same post as yesterday! The Blog is being hit by the Russian BOTs at the moment, they come around every for a few days. Are you a BOT? If not, send me a message OR BUY MY NEW BOOK!

Here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!)

There's a little activity on KENP for Gubacsi Dulu (YAY!)...And yes, Gubacsi Dulu got its 72nd rating, a 5 star! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE! It's getting closer to the 4.0 rating, so I can do a FREE PROMO again very soon!
Which means... the Humanity H2O series has now got 100 reviews... ONE HUNDRED! (4 books together). I'd love more reviews/ratings for the other books, too, not just GD, but hey! Life ain't perfect!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Gubacsi Dulu 71st rating - a 5 star!

Here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Humanity H2O is still out there, too! (The series needs 1 more review/rating to hit 100! That would be a first for me!)

And yes, Gubacsi Dulu got its 71st rating, a 5 star! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE!

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Is There Anybody Out There... The Books Post

The Humanity H2O is available here! 

Humanity H2O! (the singles - 4 books) Gubacsi Dulu, Radnoti X, Farkas Alpha, Reif's Return

Humanity H2O (together as one - 1 ebook containing all 4 books)

The Bohatch Chronicles is available here!

Under the Shade of the Sun

Slaughter Under the Bridge (Pre-Order - release before or on the 1st of August 2021)

Older series and books can be found here...

...Waiting for a review... like watching paint dry. Worse. At least you know the paint WILL dry. It's a given. Until I used some industrial paint that was about 40 years old and needed to be mixed with a thickener. Now that was some evil stuff.

Reviews. Please! If you've read any of my books, I really need some reviews/ratings (1 and 2 stars... you can keep 'em).

The question of translating my books has come up again... the problem is, those who've tried couldn't get the same from their language as I got from English. All it takes are a few words and then... what? What is that? It's a translation but it's not the same... so, still wondering what my work will look like in a foreign language.

And yes, I'm talking about this book below. 

Here's the link for UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it a or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Humanity H2O is still out there, too! (The series needs 2 more reviews/ratings to hit 100! That would be a first for me'

Sunday, March 7, 2021

More KENP movement and sales!

Slowly but surely... more KENP movement (THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE)! ...and a few promises of sales coming up. There's some activity, finally.

A few readers - who also rated and reviewed Humanity H2O, sadly - found that series to be too intellectually demanding (too complicated and they also had to use their own imaginations). There were also some who found its content hit their prejudices, so...

This book is slightly less demanding. BUT it's still fun and entertaining to read, as my Beta readers have said. I wanted to write a soldier's 'romp' through the universe of the future and chose Bohatch from the Humanity H2O series because he's a nice guy! Simple, yes, but nice.

Here's the link for UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it a or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Humanity H2O is still out there, too! (The series needs 2 more reviews/ratings to hit 100! That would be a first for me... yeah, yeah, there are other sci-fi writers with 750+ reviews/ratings, but how many of them are [censored])

First KENP movement for Under the Shade of the Sun

 And now there is a little movement on KENP for my new book Under the Shade of the Sun! I hope whoever it is will read until the end. It's a good book... what am I saying? It's a great book!

Busy with a few others' books but I'm collecting the ideas for book 2 already. Soon, soon...

Here's the link for UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it a or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!)

Saturday, March 6, 2021

First ebook sale of 'Under the Shade of the Sun' (yes, I'm happy about one!)

First ebook sale appeared! THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE!

This means a lot to me. Before the Humanity H2O series, a sale was a rare thing, and a review was even more precious. I remember I gave out Manna-X for free, hoping for reviews, received about 5 more and gave out over 1000 free copies. That's 0.5% of those who downloaded it. So, reviews are rare. And I'm looking for 5, to get to the readership I want to read it... two sales so far... maybe they'll review... hopefully!

Why the title? It doesn't mean anything... well, when you read the book, it might become clearer, but here we go, a tiny explanation. I feel we are in fact ALL under the 'shade' of the sun, shade in terms of protection from the 'heat'.... heat meaning danger. Without our sun, we would be dead, we wouldn't even exist. Our sun is our lifeforce, and in the book, the sun, although hot and unforgiving, is the only thing keeping the heroes alive.

Here's the link for the book if you're thinking of buying it a or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!)