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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

75th Rating of Gubacsi Dulu - a 5 star!

Yes! Finally someone appreciates my work! And such a great rating and review! THANK YOU, SIR!

As you know, I'm into getting my NEW BOOK out there, so... here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work because YOU are CLEVER enough to read it and UNDERSTAND it...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...GOOD ratings from GOOD people! I need some reviews PRETTY SOON, too! Things are happening... yes, they are.

BUT!!! On the 11th and 12th of April, it will be FREEEEEEEEEE! So put that in your diary. If you can review it as well as read it, that would be nice!

Monday, April 5, 2021

The Problem with doing FREE promos = RETARDS

 Yeah, another retard, sorry is that retired (or 'retierd' as the guy spelt it on his Amazon profile - and a one sentence review with 4 mistakes in it - just shows his IQ to be lower than 80), has rated and reviewed Gubacsi Dulu, a 2 star, saying that there's no plot. Excuse me, there's a plot, a HUGE PLOT but I think it went RIGHT OVER YOUR HEAD, dipshit. That's the problem with doing FREE promos, dumbasses like this get my book for free and think they can trash all over it with THEIR lack of education and THEIR prejudices and vices.'s the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work because YOU are CLEVER enough to read it and UNDERSTAND it...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...GOOD ratings from GOOD people! I need some reviews PRETTY SOON, too! Things are happening... yes, they are.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Another sale of Reif's Return!

And another sale! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE! I hope you enjoy the book!

I finally got a review for my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS!

But I still need 4 (FOUR) more reviews! Why? Because when it has 5, I can send off an advert to a TON of sci-fi readers.

So here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice... I need some reviews PRETTY SOON! Things are happening...

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

And Another Retard

Oh yes, another retard gives a 2 star rating on Amazon for Gubacsi Dulu. Thank you, whoever you are. Don't bother reading any more of my work. Spend your time elsewhere, like go and get an education. Go and get a heart which can appreciate someone else's hard work. 

The ONLY reasons I would give a book a 1 or 2 star rating are: a ton of typos (in GD there are VERY few now, perhaps ZERO), bad grammar (in GD there's 100% good grammar), poor dialogue (in GD there is only the BEST dialogue), really shitty style/clone (in GD there is a distinctive style, not a clone).

Gubacsi Dulu is NONE of those things I would give a book a 1 or 2 star rating. So... I think those 15 individuals who have given the Humanity H2O series a 1 or 2 star rating MUST HAVE some other kind of rating system... let me see... probably anything based on ignorance, retardation, prejudice, narrow-mindedness, jealousy, lack of education and absolutely no creativity.'s the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work because YOU are CLEVER enough to read it and UNDERSTAND it...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...GOOD ratings from GOOD people! I need some reviews PRETTY SOON, too! Things are happening... yes, they are.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Another sale, another Farkas Alpha out there!

 A little action, a sale of Farkas Alpha (THANK YOU!) and some KENP. What also happened was that correlated all the reviews and ratings, so all four Humanity H2O books now also have those reviews/ratings from the UK and Australia. Numbers of ratings are now at 72,18,11 and 7 (108 in total).

AND here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice... I need some reviews PRETTY SOON! Things are happening...

Ooops. Looks like I forgot to do that promo... okay, okay, soon, soon.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

New Book on OFFER! 29th till 31st March 2021! 99 cents!

Between Monday and Wednesday (29th till 31st of March), my NEW BOOK will be selling at 99 cents! Buy it, or recommend it, support my work! (And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) BOOKS ARE MEANT TO ENTERTAIN AND EDUCATE! (Reviews and ratings would be nice...) I need some reviews PRETTY SOON!

And there has been a lot of movement on KENP and reviews of Humanity H2O! Amazon finally connected all the reviews for Reif's Return PLUS a new 5 star rating (THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE!) And Farkas Alpha and Radnoti X also got new reviews! (all good ratings! THANK YOU!) No new 'reviews' but the new ratings help, every single one of them! 107 ratings for the series in total! (72+18+10+7)

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Books are meant to both entertain and educate

Well, it seems the louder voices in reviews and ratings are the ones connected to nothing, those without a brain. Where are the INTELLIGENT readers? Where are those readers who believe in WRITING and not following the crowd? Why does my work always attract the idiots who love to read candy floss trash? Where are the SMART people? Nowhere. Are there any left? Were there any to start with? Are we just a few minutes out of the trees? The way people act, I would say yes. For example, there is a mask mandate, 100% usage outside in the streets... more than half the people either don't have a mask or wear it on their necks. Arseholes. And if you tell them, violence ensues. And in the USA... hell, idiots!

In some ways I'm glad there are restrictions on rating/reviewing on Amazon... but Goodreads... anyone can rate any book, even if they haven't read it. And this is what happens... I've caught one guy reading anything up to 10 books a day for the last couple of years and giving most of them 1 or 2 stars, mine included. Thank you... maybe one day he'll see what he's done, but I don't think so, this is probably some personal quest of his.

Well... here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) BOOKS ARE MEANT TO ENTERTAIN AND EDUCATE! (Reviews and ratings would be nice...) I need some reviews PRETTY SOON!