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Thursday, June 10, 2021

5 star - 20th rating! for Shade!

Shade got its 20th rating, another 5 star! THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH! 20 is a milestone! (Radnoti X lost its 20th the other day, no one knows where it went)

There's also an interview by fellow author, Patricia Carrigan, author of the AntiSerum novels, that you really have to go and read.

And people are reading Shade! I can tell! KENP is lighting up. Oh, these are glorious days...

So, if you feel like it, join the party and support an indie and buy/read Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! It's so close to 20 ratings now. You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th!


You can Pre-Order the 2nd here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Interview by Patricia Carrigan!

A fellow author, Patricia Carrigan, author of the AntiSerum novels, was really kind to interview me and put it up on her website! Use the link to go and read what was probably the hardest interview I've done to date! Thank you, Patricia for the opportunity for others to find my work!

Shade also got its 19th rating, another 5 star! THANK YOU!

So, if you feel like it, support an indie and buy/read Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! It's so close to 20 ratings now. You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th!


You can Pre-Order the 2nd here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

5 star - 18th rating of Shade!

18th review and rating for Shade! Thank you 'kasimir' in the UK for the 5 star rating and review! It's people like yourself who I'm writing for, those open enough to just read and enjoy! Love the title of the review, too!

If you 'get' my work, then cool! If you don't and review it, then you're basically bitching about yourself. My work is a mirror of society, and so a mirror of yourself. 

Anyway, enough about that, how about as supporting an indie and buying/reading Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! It's getting damn close to 20 ratings now. You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th!


You can Pre-Order the 2nd here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

Monday, June 7, 2021

In order for there to be intelligent people...

In the beginning, there was nothing, but in order for there to be nothing, there had to be something to show what nothing was, and then the universe was born. (Tao te Ching - my bad translation)

So, in order for there to be intelligent people, there have to be stupid ones to show what an intelligent person is? No. We can all be intelligent, we can all be educated or educate ourselves to a high enough level to appreciate life in all its good and bad parts. It just depends whether you are intelligent enough to realise you're stupid. And there's the problem. I think John Cleese said the same many years back. The first step is to notice. 

Anyway, enough about stupidity. How about intelligence? Such as supporting an indie and buying/reading Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th!


You can Pre-Order the 2nd here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

Sunday, June 6, 2021

16th rating - 5 star! Under the Shade of the Sun!

 Yes! The 16th rating... and it's a FIVE! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE, 5 STAR RATING PERSON! And yet... who are my readers??? Anyway, every rating brings the books closer to being spotted by the BIG LEAGUERS, more READERS and so I've given more enjoyment throughout the world.

Someone also bought almost the whole Humanity H2O series! Thank you! That definitely made my day when I saw that. I hope this reader loves the books!

So, PLEASE support an indie and buy/read Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th!


And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is written, waiting to be uploaded... oh, yeah, I have to do that.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

Friday, June 4, 2021

5 star - 15th rating "Under the Shade of the Sun"!

Yes! The 15th rating... and it's a FIVE! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE, 5 STAR RATING PERSON! Who are my readers??? I will never know... but every rating brings the books closer to being spotted by the BIG LEAGUERS.

So, please support an indie and buy/read Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th!


And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is written, I'm waiting on one Foreword and then I'll put it through the formatting.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)

The Bohatch Chronicles 4 book covers... (and titles)

Mmm, I got a ton of hits from Sweden the other day. Do I know anyone there? And hundreds from the USA, more than usual. It can only be good thing?

Anyway, I promised books 3+4 covers of the Bohatch Chronicles, so here they are...including the titles.

Can you see what I did here? Anyway... I'm writing these books while I'm writing this blog.

So, please support an indie and buy Under the Shade of the Sun, recommend it to your friends, and review it! You could also pre-order the 2nd! And wait for the 3rd and 4th!


If you really like it, you can get it in HARDBACK too! (Humanity H2O now has Hardbacks!)

And the second book, Slaughter Under the Bridge is being written, the second draft is done, I'm waiting on one Foreword and then I'll put it through the formatting.

You can Pre-Order it here! (It'll probably come out at the end of May 2021)