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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Shade up to 28 ratings!

 A few so-so ratings and then a 5 star rating and review! THANK YOU! I was starting to think Shade would lose its 4.0 average. 

The important thing is that more readers read! Someone out there will like my books!

So, please, read and review! Scifi, fantasy, comedy, something short, you name it, I've got it. Come find me on Amazon, it's all on KENP too!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

25th rating for Shade!

 Important for the number, I think. A 3 star anonymous rating, an ol' hit and run. Why 3? I will never understand why only a 3 if there's no review. Once I can see at least a sentence I know whether it's me, my work or the reader. I can rationalise the rating if I had some info. Is the book boring? Not from what most people say.

Come and find me on Amazon! Create your own opinion. Of course, is it really yours?

Monday, July 12, 2021

I'm so lucky that so many have read my work!

Yep! There are wannabe writers out there who can't reach their audience (and in all honesty shouldn't - disillusioned, caught in their own bubble of egotism) but thanks to a lot of people, especially Jasper T Scott, thousands of readers have 'met' my work and over a hundred, almost two, have reviewed or rated my work, either good or bad. In this, I am lucky. I know through the opinions of those that I have absolutely no connection with in life that my work is good. And that is enough, isn't it? Yes, a few friends and acquaintances have rated my work, but I rarely take or get flattery from those around me. I am SOOO lucky not to be drowning in some egotistical euphoria.

Book 3 of the Bohatch Chronicles is formulating... Find me on Amazon! Read books 1 and 2 before I publish 3!

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Busy thinking...

 Yep. Busy thinking about book 3. Book 4 is actually complete, other than for continuity problems with book 3... which I still haven't written. Doing home improvement. 

Due to the latter, we have many things outside in the garden under wraps. At 3:28 am this morning, someone tried to have a look at our stuff. I was out of the door in a flash but they were gone. Drunk teenagers on Lime scooters. Faith in humanity? It's more of a hope.

Sooooo... please! Check my books out on Amazon!

Friday, July 9, 2021

Special Offer finishing...

 Yep, still some action in the sales and KENP department for Slaughter. It's all good news. Every day another reader, maybe another fan.

At the moment, I'm busy with some home improvement, but book 3 is rumbling through my mind as I do what must be done. I'll soon have time to put finger to keyboard once again.

And someone's reading Farkas Alpha, and Humanity H2O (4 books in 1)! THANK YOU!

If you'd like to join the success wave, come find me on Amazon!

Monday, July 5, 2021

24th Rating for Shade

 And yes, it's a good one, all the way from Australia! A 4 star, THANK YOU!

Slaughter did quite well in the offer (it's still on) but only got 2nd place in one subcategory... so no Orange Banner... Shade got 1st place in 2 FREE subcategories... is it a bestseller? I'd call it #1 FREE.

Anyway, please keep reading and reviewing! I need to gather your... my energy together to complete the 3rd book.

Thank you all!

 Well, the Free Promo is over, though the 99 cents is still on. Thank you to all those who downloaded, bought or read on KENP! Those first thtee days were hectic! The Bohatch Chronicles now has over 100 sales and there are almost a thousand copies out there somewhere... even in the Netherlands!  A small success again! I hope all who have a copy enjoy the read.

And the 99 cents deal is still on...