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Monday, August 29, 2022

Limited time only - 99c 'In the Midst of Fools'

And it's out! For a limited time only, it's 99c. 


AxiCorp security officer Fauna Marika thinks taking a position on Mars colony would solve all her problems. Needless to say, she is yet again caught in the continuous flow of danger, unable to take full control of her life. Will she get a grip on herself? A claustrophobic, humorous, psychotic future of people who no longer know why.

There will also be three more books in the same series, and I'm working on the 2nd and 3rd now.

My new book is also connected to both Humanity H2O and the Bohatch Chronicles, so it looks like if you want to experience this completely, you'll have to go look at those.

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Saturday, August 27, 2022

And... New book almost out!

Hey! My new book is ready, I'm running it through the publishing process right now. It'll be just 99c when it comes out...but I'll increase the price after the first week. So get it ASAP. I'll post when it's up.

There will also be three more books in the same series, but I'm still only in the thinking stage of them at the moment.

My new book is connected to both Humanity H2O and the Bohatch Chronicles, so it looks like if you want to experience this completely, you'll have to go look at those.

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Saturday, August 20, 2022

August 2022... the waiting game

August 2022... not much writing news other than waiting for my collaboration to be published and deciding how I'll edit my new book 'In the Midst of Fools'. Outside the writing world, I've done so much, but hey, that's not the place for all that. 

My new book I still need to edit is connected to both Humanity H2O and the Bohatch Chronicles, being (as was Over Reif and Under) another POV, but this time from the 'other' side, and hopefully I can continue the story onwards from there. so, it looks like if you want to experience this completely, you'll have to go look at those first.

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Sunday, July 31, 2022

New Book Draft complete! However...

Yes, I have FINALLY finished the first draft of my new book In the Midst of Fools, based on Marika's view of the Karina virus (see the first two series below). However, it may take some time to iron out a few things, so it might be a while longer before I can publish. Once I do, I will again give some offers on the other books in the two series.

Here's the front cover of the new book again. (Remember, I have a collaboration coming out some time, too)

But if you haven't read the others yet, before then... here are the links...Humanity H2O...

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Sunday, July 3, 2022

New Interview... new book cover!

Just wrote up a short interview at...Olto Books

It's not much but if it brings in a few readers, I'm happy. 

And here's the front cover of the new book... yes I'm still working on it.

But if you haven't read the others yet... here are the links...Humanity H2O...

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Getting closer to the new book... But first...!

After finishing up the collab, I was given the task to proofread ES Brown's new book 'Once Killed Twice Dead'... and I'm done. So, maybe NOW I might have some time to write my next book. Maybe. I'm still on it.

My new book is connected to both Humanity H2O and the Bohatch Chronicles, being (as was Over Reif and Under) another POV, but this time from the 'other' side, and hopefully I can continue the story onwards from there. so, it looks like if you want to experience this completely, you'll have to go look at those first.

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

A Collaboration! First novel length.

Well, it took a few weeks, but I finally did something which I've never done before, a novel collaboration. Actually the other guy had no choice, he passed away and left an almost complete manuscript of a sci-fi novel based loosely on Brave New World/parts of Soylent Green. I was tasked to proofread and edit, and it turned into a rewrite (ie, collaboration because my name WILL be on the cover). It's about 30% written by me with a dash of sugar-coated Caile through the rest. I'll inform anyone interested when I know more about its future with the publisher (cover, publication date, etc.)

So, now I have some time to write my next book. Maybe. I'm on it.

While you're STILL - yes, STILL - waiting for ANY book from me, if you haven't started this amazing journey into our future yet (Future? I think you may find... I'll let you make up your own mind) - where have you been? - or wish to continue it, here's the link to Humanity H2O.

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...