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Thursday, December 1, 2022

'How to' 3 - coming not so soon!

Is my writing career slow at the moment? Yes! I posted TWICE in November, and basically had two sales. Excellent... 

A few other things happened this month, too, but it's best not to disclose those. 

On another theme, I had the thought of finally writing 'How to' 3, and mentioned it to the publisher... they haven't spoken to me since. I have a few ideas for the book but not enough yet. But it seems the publisher isn't ready to accommodate me on that, anyway. 

So, to help me out... please go and buy, read and rate these books, maybe even review them! They are my food of existence. Without them, I am but a mere grain of sand in the 'Amazon' desert, an unknown author without sustenance.

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available, book 1 of Marika's Quest. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days. A few.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

New Review AND new rating! (Man by a Tree + Under the Shade of the Sun)

 One day, two books got some attention!

Man by a Tree, my first ever book and the first of a 4-part fantasy series, received a 5-star review from one of my sci-fi fans. Thanks, Daniel!

If you'd like to have a read, here's the link. It's also available on KENP. (Never judge a book by its cover...)

AND... Under the Shade of the Sun, (mmm, can you see some continuity there, perhaps?) got its 52nd rating, a 4-star... thank you, whoever you are!

If you'd like to check out any of my books, here's the link... (I'd still like 4 more ratings for Gubacsi Dulu to get to the 100...!)

Proofreading at the moment, but soon I'll get back to writing book 2 of my latest series... unless Amazon has other ideas... they said they are reviewing my reply...

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Amazon or the Trash Scifi Mafia?

AGAIN, it's been a while since I posted. So busy. I'm still waiting for 4 more ratings for Gubacsi Dulu to get its 100th! I've never had a book with 100 ratings. It would be nice (good ratings, of course!)

A strange thing happened. Amazon emailed me to say they 'reviewed' In the Midst of Fools and say I have violated the rules by placing the book in the wrong categories:

Children & Young Adults / Fantasy, Science Fiction & Horror/Science Fiction

Children & Young Adult / Fantasy, Science Fiction & Horror/Science Fiction

...but the book is in:

Juvenile Fiction > Science Fiction 

Juvenile Fiction > Steampunk

I can't even find those categories they mention. What is going on? I've replied to them. I wonder what their reply will be? I'll post it here if it's good. Apparently I have 10 days to change it... do Amazon have a personal vendetta against me, or are the Trash Scifi Mafia attacking me again?

I'm STILL writing the second book of Marika's Quest at the moment, a strange book (Among the Monkeys of Many Colors). I'm also running through a few writing prompts to bring out a new selection of short stories (Dani's Shorts 9).

So... if you've read the books, please go and rate them, maybe even review! They are my food of existence. Without them, I am but a mere grain of sand in the 'Amazon' desert, an unknown author without sustenance.

There's also my NEW book, of course, In the Midst of Fools available, book 1 of Marika's Quest. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days. A few.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Gubacsi Dulu magyarul Wattpadon (3 fejezet)

 I've put up the first 3 chapters of Gubacsi Dulu in Hungarian on Wattpad. If anyone's interested...

Still writing the second book of Marika's Quest...

So... if you've read the books, please go and rate them, maybe even review! They are my food of existence. Without them, I am but a mere grain of sand in the 'Amazon' desert, an unknown author without sustenance.

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available, book 1 of Marika's Quest. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days.

Friday, October 28, 2022

A post? Yes, a post

It's been a while since I posted. So busy. I'm still waiting for 4 more ratings for Gubacsi Dulu to get its 100th! I've never had a book with 100 ratings. It would be nice (good ratings, of course!)

I'm writing the second book of Marika's Quest at the moment, a strange book. It seems the 2nd books in my series are always weird. I'm also running through a few writing prompts to bring out a new selection of short stories.

So... if you've read the books, please go and rate them, maybe even review! They are my food of existence. Without them, I am but a mere grain of sand in the 'Amazon' desert, an unknown author without sustenance.

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available, book 1 of Marika's Quest. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

50th rating for Shade!

And it finally happened, Under the Shade of the Sun received its 50th rating (4 star!) Thank you, whoever you are! 

Still waiting for 4 more for Gubacsi Dulu) to get its 100th! I've never before had a book with 100 ratings. I now have two with 50+, and that IS something as I'm an UNKNOWN writer, but a book with 100+? That would make my decade.

In each book there is a message, getting closer and closer to the essence of... does it matter? Did you enjoy reading them or 'get something' out of them? That's probably the main point.

So... if you've read them, please go and rate them, maybe even review! They are my food of existence. Without them, I am but a mere grain of sand in the 'Amazon' desert, an unknown author without sustenance.

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days.

New one is coming, too...

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Working on some Shorts...

Still thinking about books 2 + 3 of Marika's Quest, so I'm filling the hole with a few shorts. Dani's Shorts 9 is nowhere near complete and I'm enjoying writing little pieces again. Many of them are so corny, but I'm writing them well (I think). There's still half a year's Iron Writer prompts to deal with and also those months of More Odds than Ends (That's still going on).

So, in a month or two there'll be another collection of Shorts from Smashwords, maybe. It'll be FREE, of course.

Here's a link to Dani's Short 8+, if you haven't picked it up yet :-) It's been around for over 2 years and has some good FREE stuff in it.