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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Someone asked me why goblins, or more specifically, hobgoblins? Well, what inspired me to write back in November was Shakespeare, with the help of my British Literature teacher's enthusiasm for the theatre of the time; flags, standing room, open air, etc. Midsummer Night's Dream has always been a favourite of mine, and this time I realised even more the importance of Puck. And then Ariel in The Tempest. I also loved the plot changes in MSND, and could see through the Tempest as a piece which endeavoured to show Shakespeare's audience his craft throughout his career, his ability to entertain. I digress...after looking through these plays, I wanted to try my hand at writing. I got to a point where I needed a slave/worker/miracle worker, and Puck and Ariel fit the bill. 'Fairy' was just too twee, "Goblin" was too Lord of the Rings, so I took hobgoblin, which has a mischievous feel to it. Plus the fact that I have one of those stupid McDonald's Fairy backgrounds sitting on my desktop, left over from installing one of those damn games...sub-conscious conditioning, staring at it every day...:-)

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