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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Scenes 4 + 5 of 'Rage'

Here's scenes 4 and 5 from the script of my 3rd book 'Rage of Atlantis'. They should be seen together, as they contrast the world of monkeys, sorry, humans, to the world of hobgoblins. I just loved writing about the hobgoblins in my books, a race of ugly little selfish lazy creatures, rather like the 'Aye-aye' in appearance but with wings.


A large hall with stage, filled with joyous political supporters, flags, music, singing, banners, balloons, party bangers, confetti. Triumphant musical trumpets introduce OEDIOUSPELUS as he makes his way through the crowd to the stage. Supporters and sponsors congratulating, shaking his hand. PLAGAMUS stands in the way to the stage, OEDIOUSPELUS makes his way over to him slowly. OEDIOUSPELUS gets to PLAGAMUS and they shake hands.

Congratulations! Even better than before! What a surprise.

PLAGAMUS moves closer, heads almost touching in loud noisy celebrations.

Just as well otherwise...

PLAGAMUS cuts the hand shaking and gives a stilted laugh. OEDIOUSPELUS and PLAGAMUS wave to the crowd, who are now singing their political party anthem. OEDIOUSPELUS and PLAGAMUS stand up on the stage, OEDIOUSPELUS stands behind the podium, PLAGAMUS behind him, to his right. OEDIOUSPELUS quietens the crowd with arm movements.

People of Atlantis! People of our Great Race and Nation! I want to thank you all for your support in these last historical months. And tonight, tonight you did yourselves and your nation proud!

Cheers errupt from the crowd.


Dramatic pause, OEDIOUSPELUS looks around the large hall.

It is not enough to vote for me…

Crowd is silent, flags stop waving.

We must do more than vote, we must fight! We must fight this ‘unseen’ enemy which even now sought to disrupt such an auspicious day as today. They dared to strike us on such a day! They dared to strike us on our most reverent day! A few moments ago, as you heard, we were once again attacked, in our own place of knowledge, the Main Library. In the heart of our own dear city! We must fight back! We must conquer this ‘unseen’ threat which lies within! We must seek them out and destroy them! But even that is not enough! No! It is not enough! It is not enough to conquer! It is not enough to destroy! We must create the good, nurture the good, so that this evil cannot return!

Crowd errupts in euphoric joy and applause. PLAGAMUS moves closer to a waving OEDIOUSPELUS.

Now we must go see the Auditor.

Easy, now. First the inauguration.

“Oh, yes, of course.

OEDIOUSPELUS and PLAGAMUS continue waving to the noisy crowd.


From noise to silence. A large cave, some lighting on the walls, the cave filled with young hobgoblins standing around, squabbling, fighting, farting, picking noses. KAILEN is standing on a high rock, with his Generals behind him, shuffling around.

Welcome my fellow hobgoblins!

More farts and some jeers from the crowd.

As you know, my name is Kailen, Lord Kailen, your king and master!

More jeers and burps from the crowd.

If you were expecting a glorious and stupendous speech today, then you will be disapppointed. Just as disappointed with the rest of your miserable little lives. You’re young, you’ll learn!

The crowd quietens down a little.

We are an oppressed race! We are nothing! We are slaves to those in power! And don’t you forget it.


Every day of your depressing little lives is without freedom, without hope.

KAILEN looks around the room, now filled with young hobgoblins listening to his speech.

You are the new blood! You are the new force of our race! You are nothing! But as nothing, you can be something! You can do your duty! You can serve your time! And you can look for that inch of a chance, that millimetre of an opportunity…to hit back! Obey, do as commanded, but take your chance, live your mischievous little lives right under the noses of those who oppress you! Sneer at them! Laugh at them! You do have something! You are a hobgoblin, no matter how subjugated, no matter how put down you are! And remember it! Remember that in your tiny veins there is hobgoblin blood, there is the blood of your ancestors, a noble race of villians and thieves who terrorised the universe! Remember!

Tiny applause. Some more farts, most hobgoblins now talking amongst themselves, scratching their bottoms, picking their noses, staring into space.

Boys? Lads?

KAILEN gets some 'yeah's from the crowd.

Just go.

The young hobgoblins slowly shuffle out, the Generals leave too. One hobgoblin stays in the cave, DRUKAN, with KAILEN.


Excuse me, sir, but where do I go?

Where everyone else goes, to the ranks.

The ranks, sir?

The army, boy, the army. Now, clear off, I’m sure I have something better to do than speak with you.

DRUKAN begrudingly starts to walk out. KAILEN stops him.

Oh, and ‘Oi’, you?

Yes, sir?

Have a nice day.

Thank you, sir.

KAILEN and DRUKAN leave the cave separately.

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