Yes, it's No.5 TIW's Mamie! :-)
Mamie Willoughby Pound is the creator of the Weekend Quickie over on TIW's the latest from last Saturday, my story is there if you scroll down (
This 200 word challenge is open to all and is just as much fun as the usual weekly challenge, if not more so due to no voting and no judging. Sometimes replies and remarks appear :-)
She also sorts out the judging list (a BIG job) and likes to rattle other TIW's on the facebook page (including me).
Mamie hasn't written any books yet, 'least I don't know about it, but has put up some great Weekly Challenges and Quickies.
I distinctly remember a certain challenge...Here it is..."Conversation Hearts" :-) (you'll need to scroll down a bit)
And she owns an inn! How cool is that!
And here is Mamie's website, very nice- you'll be able to read more of her writing here...sublime.
Oh, and the HAIR! :-) Luv it!
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