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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Manna-X FREE for 2 days

Well, Dani's Shorts 2 got to No.9044 in the Amazon Free Kindle store...great, maybe a few downloads then.
BUT, Manna-X is FREE now for 2 days, if you haven't already got a copy, go get one! And if you know someone who should read it, tell them!


"I haven't come across anything quite like this..." Debbie Roxburgh (Speedy McCready)

"With your wily work [Dani], I tend to focus on what's in parentheses. (I also think you are very misunderstood...and possibly always have been.)" Eponymous Rox (B.O.T.)

Reginald sends Graham Reader (aka the Grim Reaper), out on a mission to find Code 237-Manna-X, the Manna Machine after the Overlords warn him of an imminent (3000 year old) threat against the security of both the physical and non-physical realms.
Will Graham find the fantastic yet deadly device before anyone or anything else does?

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