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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sales, Sales, Sales! Can you believe that?

Oh, it's all happening! Well, okay, there seems to be someone or a few people buying my books in the last few weeks, and not only the anthologies with other authors, but my OWN books... which is AMAZING!
Thank you, whoever you are. I know it's only one sale here, one sale there, but it all adds up and keeps me in good spirits knowing that somewhere out there, there's a reader!
Thankfully, the anthologies are always selling, which gives me some joy knowing that someone could be reading my stuff but for a are the ones...

...and then there are these...

...Circuits and Steam being a paperpack from 3 Fates Press - I have a great little story about Tracer in there... and then of course, my own books, two published by Line by Lion...

What can I say but THANK YOU! I hope you (whoever you are) enjoy the read!
(And maybe give a review or two? Please...)

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