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Friday, June 5, 2020

Systemic Racism must stop! Black Lives Matter!

For years I've watched the Police violence against the Black communities in the USA. George Floyd was the straw that broke the camel' back. It is time for change, not suppression. The Police start violence to be allowed to continue with violence. There are thousands of videos out there showing the Police spraying, pushing over, hitting, molesting peaceful protesters and then claiming they were resisting arrest when they stood up for themselves. Slavery was never abolished, it just changed, evolved. Prejudice will always be in our society unless we realise we are all the same IF we are all given a chance.
Systemic Racism is the key. Although this video uses animation, it's a great way to understand what is going on. How we should fix it is easy - equality without corruption.
I myself was a victim of Systemic Racism in the UK - yes, the UK is extremely xenophobic, and there is also a class system at work there, still going strong. However, it wasn't the case of class but my name (no, not Caile, that is my pen-name), which is not British-sounding, and so when I began looking for work, I received very few job interviews, and the ones that I did get were not as they seemed. For example, at one interview, as I entered the room, the interviewer was shocked and asked why I wasn't Black or Pakistani. He then blamed me for wasting his time because I was there to fulfil his quote of Equal Opportunity interview numbers and now he had to find someone else. This wasn't an isolated incident.

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