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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

A SALE! ...and some Downloads...

 Yes! A sale!

I hope I get a review as well! Any sign of life out there is a good thing... and few downloads of Blue Haze, a futuristic look from the perspective of a young boy... 

...and talking about futuristic life...

My new series is coming VERY soon... 

Humanity H20... Book 1: Gubacsi Dulu! (YA/Sci-fi)

Here's the blurb...

2357 AD. Officer Karina Reif wants to start afresh. Or does she? A ‘John Doe’ appears in the depths of her jurisdiction, an AxiCorp water extraction installation on Gubacsi Dulu, thousands of light years from Earth, and breaks apart the fragile façade of her life. What will she do with the secrets she finds? 

And here's the NEW cover by Miksa Szőnyi!

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