Yes, if you didn't already know, I have a NEW collection of short stories that help you pass away those times while you wait in the much-longer queues with your mask on.
Okay, the cover isn't so great, there wasn't much of a choice in the 'free' section, though the photo is a picture of this wonderful tree I passed by on a beautiful walk in the hills. But the stories! They're... great! Well, I have to say that. I wrote them. Who else is going to praise my literary work? "Your story is good but it doesn't fit what we require right now." That's about the best I get nowadays.
So, still waiting on a new cover for 'Humanity H2O' Book 1: Gubacsi Dulu' — looks like I'm self-publishing... almost a decade, helping others with their work and still self-publishing... so word-of-mouth and very few sales in the future. Maybe someone will read this sci-fi series. I'm also working on Book 2: Radnoti X, a continuation of the story, though only have 10+k words at the moment.
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