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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Radnoti X - New Review! 4th(5th) rating! (3rd review) 4 stars!

...and finally another review for Radnoti X! 4 stars! I'll take it! The reviewer also read Gubacsi Dulu, and gave a 5 star review, though this time a 4 star, which is just as good! Thank you, sir!

This is excellent! ...actually the 'negative aspect' the reviewer mentions is one of the central points in Radnoti X. For the main character, Gubacsi Dulu was the realisation that she was living a delusional life within a controlling society, Radnoti X shows that we are merely passive players with little or no control over our situations within the society we find ourselves, whereas Farkas Alpha shows what happens when we try to take control and find some meaning to it all, still enclosed within these 'prison walls'. Of course, there's some fun, adventure and entertainment along the way! And some nifty writing and thought-provoking sentences.

So, come, recommend to all! Spread it far and wide! 

One of my beta readers said, "It's more than just a book."

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