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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Space and Time Magazine - Flash Battles!

 Yes, Space and Time Magazine has brought back the ol' Iron Writer Challenge flash fiction 500-word competition, in the form of 'Flash Battles'! 4 writers have 3 days to write a 500-word story with 3 given picture elements.

I'm in the second battle, opening up on the 18th of February, so I'll put up a link here if you wish to read both my entry and others, and vote for one of the stories. I used to push these flash fiction competitions many years ago when they started, but it didn't get me anywhere, really. ALTHOUGH I did get to communicate and connect with a ton of great people trying to do the same thing I was trying to do: write. You see, the problem with these 'reader vote' competitions is... (blah blah). Just let it happen :-) It was fun writing the story.

Here's the FIRST Flash Battle, between 4 authors of 2 'groups'. You can vote for only one... and yes, I've already voted. (Hope they don't mind me using their logo...)

L.A.J.D. 1:1 Flash Battle

And me? I'm two thirds through writing the first draft of the new book. I think there's a second book, but that can wait.

If you STILL haven't read or reviewed/rated... Humanity H2O, here it is...

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