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Monday, April 12, 2021

New Book! Oh yes... and Amazon Bestseller titles...

These Amazon No.1 Bestseller titles are quite interesting, some are quite specific...

Young Adult Teen Alien Science Fiction with Purple Carrots

Children's Fiction with Aliens that Blow Smoke and Curl Up into a Ball

(Made up, sorry, but you get where I'm going with this)

As you know, I'm into getting my NEW BOOK out there, so... here's the link to my NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work because YOU are CLEVER enough to read it and UNDERSTAND it...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...GOOD ratings from GOOD people! I need some reviews PRETTY SOON, too! Things are happening... yes, they are.

BUT!!! On the 11th and 12th of April, it will be FREEEEEEEEEE! So put that in your diary. If you can review it as well as read it, that would be nice! (Still free for ONE HOUR!)

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