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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

'Over Reif' Countdown... 6... 2015

 The Over Reif and Under Countdown is now on...2015!

In 2015 I had a novel published by Line by Lion Publications... How to Build a Castle in Seven Easy Steps, a comedy based in a mud civilisation of zombies, cannibals and... mud. Probably the greatest cover EVER and sold quite a few paperbacks.

I also wrote a novella called Alice on the Outside-In, to celebrate the publication of Alice in Wonderland. The story is based on the original, but is set inside a computer. It's FREE on Smashwords... the cover was created by a student - we planned to create an illustrated version but the project got only halfway.

I was also still heavily into short stories and flash fiction... Dani's Shorts 4 and 5 came out, FREE, of course, along with Ironology 2015, the official paperback collection of all 'winners' of the Iron Writer that year.

I also had another short story (two) included in another collection published by Line by Lion Publications, Desert Bus...

And had more stories published in a few more collections... Baby Shoes was the start of a long run of 100+ story anthologies from 100+ authors.

And if you still haven't started on Bohatch's journey, follow this link...

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