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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Iron Writers + Manna-X Update

So far so good, 38 votes against the closest 16...but it ain't over until the fat lady sings, and my is she fat (and a little miserable on the side)!
If I win, there's a chance I'll be in a compilation of winners at the end of it all...that's why I'm 'having a go'.
Where was I? Oh yes, added a few things to 'Manna-X' the other, yes, that's it. I realised that there was also one comment in particular in 'TDX2' that I would like to say again, so I did! I re-worded it a little, but who's to say ya can't recycle the same thing, especially if it's a corker!
So, just waiting for my reader to come back to me, maybe the end of this week, and then I'll publish (once it has been ironed out, of course!)

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