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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Another FIRST! ..though still looking for reviews...

 Oh, this keeps getting better! For the first time EVER, my three latest books (1 available, 1 almost complete and 1 on the 'writing' board) are together in my Amazon Rank page!

Okay, so the ranking numbers aren't great, but this is the first time the same series has done this, and that I've had three novels all sitting together. I kept 'Baby Shoes' on the screenshot because it's always in the Top 5. All three books are also in the Top 100 of the subcategory 'Children's Steampunk' (#17,#52,#68) and Gubacsi Dulu still holds the #1 New Release. 

So, good news! ...however... I'm still looking for reviews, especially due to those two crazy 1 star reviews, one from an illiterate and the other who rates something from reading 1/60th of the whole. So, PLEASE, if you have a little time and the possibility, write a little review for the book, every one of them helps.

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