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Thursday, May 28, 2020

João Cerqueira's book 'Jesus and Magdalene' wins IRDA Humour 2020!

A book I edited and proofread back in 2016 keeps winning awards!
João Cerqueira's 'Jesus and Magdalene' has won the 2020 Indie Readers Discovery Award for Humour!
Congrats to him! João is Portuguese and I had to do some minor tweeks to make it work correctly in English, so I guess that's why he keeps praising me, saying the prize is mine, too! This prize...

About IndieReader...

IndieReader launched the IRDAs in 2011 to help notable indie authors receive the attention of top publishing professionals, with the goal of reaching more readers.  Noted Amy Edelman, author and founder of IR, “The books that won the IRDAs this year are not simply great indie books; they are great books, period.  We hope that our efforts via the IRDAs ensure that they receive attention from the people who matter most.  Potential readers.”  
Past and present sponsors for the IRDAs include Amazon, Reedsy, Smith Publicity and NY-based literary agents Dystel, Goderich & Bourret.  Judges have included publishers (from Penguin Group USA and Simon & Schuster), agents (from ICM, Dystel), publicists (from Smith Publicity), and bloggers (from GoodeReader). 

And here is the IRDA review online, but I copied it here, anyway - a little difficult to read but hey.

Go find it on Amazon here as an ebook and here as a paperback!

Oh, and my 8 Fantastic Stories No One Gives A F#ck About is still FREE!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Six...Seven...8 More Fantastic Short Stories No One Gives a F#ck About #FREE

Yes! For THREE days...

Six Seven 8 More Fantastic Short Stories No One Gives a F#ck About

is #FREE!

EIGHT of my best short stories ever! Yes, EIGHT, not SIX. (Notice the cover)
I tried to show how much people give a f#ck about the stories by the cover - actually the cover designer wouldn't allow me to do anything but this.
I also just found two errors in the Preface -too late to change it for the FREEBIE but I'll change them after.

Story One – Yuri’s List : “the only story [in the competition] to make me laugh out loud”
Story Two – Hairy: “unique and funny story”
Story Three - Hero : disqualified
Story Four – The Smirk : “Definitely amusingly tragic”
Story Five – Éjjeli Mászó : Second place - published in an earlier anthology
Story Six – Winky : disqualified
Story Seven– Evil Plays its Hand: “grimly amusing […] anti-Trump spoof”

Extra– Judged

These stories are in fact FANTASTIC stories, so maybe you should download and read them!
They were written for a particular writing competition, with one of them being in an earlier publication, but can now be found with the others here.
Go to download it for FREE...
#26,528 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)
#250 in One-Hour Literature & Fiction Short Reads
#665 in Single Authors Short Stories

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Motivation + Reading of "How to Sink a Ship"

Just had a rush of Free Smashword downloads go out into the world, about half a dozen new readers if I can make out the figures correctly. Thank you for downloading! Now have a read...

If anyone is interested in hearing some short excerpts of "How to Sink a Ship", the video is available on Facebook HERE.

One of the questions I was asked by the publisher was what's my first rule of being an Indy author...
I said "Celebrate every success!", like some kind of personal reward. But actually, that isn't even one of the top motivators of trying to gain some success. Without motivators, nothing happens.

I had to study motivation, and these are what I feel are the Top motivators are for success in writing...

1. Someone to push you forward - a role model, a friend or even yourself
2. A pleasant atmosphere - you need a time and a place/space to write in without feeling uncomfortable
3. Write well - read a lot, learn the intricacies of language, model from books you like
4. Set goals - either words per day, or to write something everyday, or 'next week I'll finish this chapter'. Something to acknowledge the future when whatever you're writing will be complete.
5. Try something new / keep it interesting - a different style of genre, writing, place, time, whatever, just something 'different'
6. Keep up your confidence - this one's tricky, kind of goes back to the rest

Other than that, a good story would help! LOL

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

LIVE reading of 'How to Sink a Ship' TODAY at 10am Eastern (3pm GMT) 2020-05-20

Thomas Lamkin Jr. at Line by Lion Publications will read excerpts from 'How to Sink a Ship'
on their Facebook page at 10am Eastern (3pm GMT)!
I don't know which pages, but probably the first part for sure. maybe even a pirate bit!
There will also be the chance to comment on the live video and hopefully I'll be there in the Comments, too. So, if you have a question for me or about the book, please feel free to come along!

So, at 10 am Eastern / 9 am Central / 7 am Pacific / 3 pm GMT (4 pm for me) ... come and watch and comment!

Other news: The anthologies are keeping up my Amazon presence, and I've picked up a few new readers over at Smashwords, too! Not much news about 'Gubacsi Dulu' other than a title change and a higher possibility of being published... I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Ebook "How to Sink a Ship" - FINALLY available!

Yes! After almost two years, "How to Sink a Ship" is available on Amazon as an ebook!
Now those who wish to read this amazing 'caper' with Norby having to save his village from a horde of zombies can do so from the comfort of their own electronic devices!
"How to Sink a Ship" is the second part of Norby's adventures, though you don't need to read the first* to enjoy this one. A third is in the making, but don't push me on that, I'm still dealing with my latest sci-fi novel... yes, novel, it grew.
So, if you've been waiting or just wish to experience the "cracked genius" that is Dani J. Caile (not my words), here's the link to "How to Sink a Ship (in eight long, excruciatingly terrifying, stinkingly evil night)"!
Please read and review...!... reviews are needed, honest reviews! Without feedback in life, what is there...? ...emptiness...the complete opposite of what's in this book!

How to Sink a Ship ebook on Amazon

*How to Build a Castle ebook on Amazon

Monday, April 27, 2020

'Reflections on a Comfortable Life' + 'Planet of the Humans'

My little story 'Reflections on a Comfortable Life'  - about a man dealing with his feelings of responsibilties towards our dying planet -  will be available soon on...

May the 1st 2020

through Jason Brick's 'Flash in a Flash' email newsletter.
If you'd like to subscribe now so you can be ready for it, here's the link. (It's FREE, and you can unsubscribe whenever you want to)

And Michael Moore's documentary 'Planet of the Humans' is a MUST SEE if you have any thoughts or feelings of responsibility (or curiousity) for the future of this planet we live on.
I can't say any more, you need to watch ALL of it.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu... is it done? Really?

My last post said I'd 'finished' Gubacsi Dulu, my first sci-fi novella.
I've just started a second part, though I don't know if it's a second part, or enough to make the first a novel, or there's need for a third part ... we will see.
But it's exciting.
The first blurb goes like this... and I can't show you the second part's because... 'spoiler'...

2357 AD. Officer Karina Reif wants to start afresh. Or does she? A 'John Doe' appears in the depths of her jurisdiction, an AxiCorp water extraction installation on Gubasci Dulu, thousands of light years from Earth, and breaks apart the fragile façade of her life. What will she do with the secrets she finds?
A claustrophobic, subtly humorous, psychotic future of people who no longer know why.

Oh, and I received a wonderful spike of free downloads from Smashwords recently as I collected half a dozen new readers from who knows where. THANK YOU! It makes my day! My week!
Get them here if you haven't yet.

Here's that Gubacsi Dulu cover again... there might be a new one on the way...